🌶️Chapter 8 | Diffrent kind of love

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Mary left her tutor's house the next afternoon in a good mood. The night she spent with him was, so far, her best night since she moved here. Nothing was looking through the window or stealing her panties. His body kept her warm and safe. That's all she needed. He knew she wanted it and decided to give it to her, even tho he didn't have to. After all he was her tutor. Mary entered her house and went straight into her room, completely ignoring Teresa reading a magazine. The window was still shattered. Everything was the way she left it. It seemed that her mother didn't enter her room for the entire day or noticed that she was gone. Even better. Mary sat down at her desk and took out a small, standing mirror along with her makeup bag out of the drawer . She fixed her mascara and added a layer of concealer. She washed the lip gloss away and put on a diffrent one. Her phone buzzed. It was a text message. She smiled knowing who it was from.

From: Jackson💖
"I'm outside"

Mary got up and looked out the window. Jackson was standing outside, leaning on the window frame.

"Turn around I wanna change" she crossed her arms on her chest.

"There's no point" he smiled. "You look great."

"Well, I need gorgeous" she looked at him with irritation.

"Alright" he turned around. "Your choice sunshine."

Mary took a dress out of her closet and looked at Jackson. He wasn't looking, but something still bothered her. For some reason she wasn't excited for their date anymore. She couldn't stop thinking about the previous night. It wasn't just support, it was care and even love. The girl took off her shorts and a t-shirt Casmid gave her in the morning. He truly cared about her, otherwise he wouldn't let her wear his clothes to school. She put on a tight black dress and a beige sweater. It was already the third week of October so it was getting cold outside. The girl looked at her reflection in the little mirror. Maybe her standards are too high? Or maybe she was worried Jackson wouldn't give her the care and safety she got from Alexander? After all, she didn't know him that well.

"Can I turn around now?" The boy asked.

"Sure" she said and put on her sneakers.

Jackson followed her every move with his eyes.

"You're beautiful" he said.

"Thanks" Mary smiled, grabbed her small, black and gold bag and left the room. She was about to open the main door when she heard her mother's voice:

"Who are you dressed like that for, young lady?"

"I..." She wanted to speak but the door suddenly opened and Jackson entered the house. He was wearing a black shirt with small, golden buttons and black, elegant pants. He also wore a black bandana with white patterns on his head and a black, leather jacket on top of everything.

"Can we go now? I have a surprise" he said.

Teresa's eyes opened wide, but before she could say anything the couple left.


They both walked slowly around the park, holding hands. It was getting dark and cold. A shiver ran down the girl's body.

"Don't worry" Jackson took off his jacket and gave it to her. "I got you."

"Thanks" she said and put it on. It was massive and heavy with all the things in his pockets. Definitely tiring to wear for longer. Thanks God she didn't have to do that as Jackson asked:

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"

Mary nodded and they both headed out of the park. Her legs started to hurt from the weight of the boy's jacket. They got to his house pretty soon. Jackson opened the door for her and they both went inside.

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