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Sunoo pov

I woke up when I was in Nikis' arms. I smiled at the younger cause he just slept to peaceful.

I came near to his face and gave him a peck on his lips, but suddenly, he continued the kiss.

He grabbed me and threw me in his arms. I slapped his arm playfully.

"Yah! I thought you slept!" I said and crossed my arms together.

"And i thought,we had school together, but if you don't wanna go to school, then we can bang! Oh, sorry, i mean, hang."

"You really didn't mean hang, am I wrong?"

"No, you aren't wrong, babe." He smirked and started giving me smooches on my neck.

"Well, Mr. Nishimura. You have to stop kissing me because in a few minutes, class will start. "

"It doesn't matter, babe. We can do it the whole time. "


Suddenly, my phone rang. I take my phone and answer without looking for who this could be.

"Sunoohyungicantfindyou?! Whereareyouyoulittlebitch?!?"

"I think, i know who called me." I said.

Niki laughed a bit because of jungwons voice. This kid was too worried because of his hyung.

"Jungwon? Why are you so worried? And can't you talk normal, i can't understand any of your words. "

"You bitch! You don't know how much, me ,sunghoon and jake hyung was!!! And where did you suddenly go? You just went to the toilet and didn't get out! Then you didn't come to school for a day! And have you even seen how many times I called you, you whore?"

Jungwon scream. I could feel how much he worried. But suddenly I heard a voice I didn't know.

"Babe? When do you wanna come? I can't wait forever. " I heard how someone called jungwon, and it was a male!

"Jungwon? Who was that?" I asked him confused.

"Uh......bye hyung! Have fun with Niki."


Jungwon said and turned off the call.

"Oh, jay hyung found the cat guy?"Niki asked me. I gave him a side eye, and he looked away.

"Nishimura Riki, look at me...NOW!"

I said in a strict way. Niki looked at me quickly and made sure his head was down.

"Would you like to explain?"

"Uhm, well...the night I saw you, Jay Hyung also saw your friend and he said that he kind of likes these cat guy, hehe. "

"Ok, let's go to school! I don't wanna be late. "

I said. Niki nodded, and we quickly changed our clothes, took a little shower( together 😏), ate our breakfast, and went to school.

Suddenly, all eyes were on me, and Niki who held hands. I saw how some looked at us with happy, excited eyes, but also how some looked at us with sadness, hate, anger and jealousy.

"Ignore this bitches, they are just jealoul. " Niki said. I smiled at him and his reaction and nodded.

We went to our class. And I saw how this jay guy kissed my besti neck and jungwon on his lap.

I gave jungwon a confused face like what-is-going-on?

Jubgwon saw me and waved at me like nothing happened, and everything was normal.

Niki and I went to jungwon and Jay. I gave jungwon a confused face. Meanwhile, Niki gave them just a smile! Like what the fuck?!

"So,Yang Jungwon, i need a-"

"A explain, i know i know. But i will just explain later, now we the class."

I nodded and sat on my seat. Niki sat beside me, and we talked a bit about some shit and dirty things.
Don't ask what....

Suddenly, the teacher came to the class with a new girl.

"So, dear class. Today, we have a new student in our class. Please greet her and then she can introduce herself."

The teacher said. I saw how this slut just looked at my baby NIKI!!! I know I'm jelly but what can I do?! This girl just looked direct at my NIKI, MY BOYFRIEND!!

I gave her a side eye. And this girl just gave me a fake smile!

"Ok, so my name is Han Sushi! And I hope we can be together good friends! I bet."

This girl said. I rolled my eyes and looked away because this whore was just too ugly for my eyes. Whatever.

"So, Han sushi! You can choose your seat!" The teacher said with a wide smile.

Everyone was looking at her and pointed beside their seat and said,'Han sushi! You can sir beside me!!!' And blah blah blah.

But this bitches just walked to me and gave me a FAKE smile AGAIN!

She pointed at my seat and said.

"Uhm....can i sit here, please? Because i can't see very well, and this seat is a really good seat, because I can then see everything." She said

I rolled my eyes because this pick me gurl was really a pick me with her pink school bag and her pick me outfit and voice. I could even puke.

I gave her a fake smile back and answered "Aww, sorry but this places is already owned. But why don't you just sit next to the others who would like to sit next to you, hmm? I think you can see quite well there too, right?" I said in a sassy voice.

This slut just gave me a fake smile and nodded. But first she gave Niki a not and smiled at him. I widened my eyes. Niki gave her a confused face and then this bitch touched Nikis hand and said.

"Meet me after class, behind the school building."

She said and sat nowhere. I don't care where.

But, btw! I hope you enjoyed it! Bye-bye!! Luv you 💓

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