Chapter One

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"You'll be fine," my oldest sister Jisoo reassured me. She had driven me to my new school, Saebom High School. I was scared, to say the least. It was my first time back in South Korea in years. I was born in Puerto Rico on July 18th, 2006. I'm the 2nd youngest. The youngest is my sister Minji. My family is known to move around a lot, but we've now decided to stay in South Korea. It scared me a bit.

"What if no one likes me? Or what if I make friends and I have to leave them again?" I asked Jisoo with worry.

"Mom and dad said we'd stay this time," Jisoo spoke softly.

"They said that last time," I replied coldly.

"I know... Just... Try to make the best of it. For me?" She asked, giving me a gentle look.

"Okay..." I said. I opened the car door and then looked back at Jisoo. "I love you," I said quietly.

"I love you too," she replied.

I smiled, then got out of the car and closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath and then started walking to the main entrance. I was mostly focused on myself, not paying attention to much around me. "Watch out!!" A male voice yelled. I looked back and froze as a motorcycle was coming at me. The person driving it turned the motorcycle fast, too fast. They fell over, and their motorcycle laid next to them.

I rushed to the person and looked at them with pure worry. "Are you okay?!" I asked rather fast.

They sat up and took off their helmet. It was a male. He shook his head, then looked at me. "I told you to watch out," he hissed at me. "You just froze there," he added coldly.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

The male rolled his eyes. "Sure you are," he snapped. I was taken aback by his attitude, but I couldn't even say anything. He snapped again. "Just go away!"

"I'm sorry," I repeated. "I can help you if -" I was cut off by him.

"I told you to go away!!" He yelled angrily, causing people to look over. I became embarrassed rather fast and covered my face as I walked away. It wasn't worth staying. I rushed inside the building, feeling eyes on me.

"Why did I bother?" I whispered to myself and covered myself with my long brown hair. I looked around and decided to pay attention this time. "Where's my class..." I mumbled, then stopped up against the wall. I pulled my schedule out of my bag and then looked at the classroom I needed to go to. I folded it up and then headed to the classroom. When I walked in, everyone looked at me. I gulped and tried not to look at anyone.

"Kim Lee, correct?" The male teacher asked me.

"Mhm," I hummed with a nod.

"Perfect," he said with a smile. "Class, we have a new classmate today. Kim Lee," he said to the class. I slowly looked up the class, people still staring.

"You're so pretty!" A girl exclaimed, making me look at her. "I'm Choi Sooah!" She said with the brighest smile ever. "Come here! We have some free time!" She said happily as she gestured me to come. I slowly walked over to her and noticed two other girls. "This is Lim Jugyeong and Kang Soojin!" Sooah introduced her two friends.

"Nice to meet you," I said softly.

"Don't be scared!" Sooah giggled. "We're really nice!" She added with an innocent smile.

"We really are," Jugyeong said. "Do you do makeup?" She asked me softly.

"I didn't do it today," I said shyly.

"You're really pretty," Jugyeong complimented me.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile.

"Hey, I think I know," Soojin suddenly spoke up. I looked over at her, titling my head in confusion. "I've seen you on TikTok and Youtube," she said. "You're pretty cool!"

"Thank you," I said again, my smile brightening. "You guys are really sweet!" I said happily.

"Awe, thanks!" Sooah smiled happily. She then pointed to a chair. "You should sit there so you're near us!" I nodded and then sat down on the chair. "Yay!" She squealed.

I giggled softly at her. "It's really nice to meet you guys," I said happily and with a bright smile. They all smiled back just as happy. We started talking about random subjects, and my confidence started to rise up. I was happy and enjoying the conversation until class began. I took out a notebook and looked straight ahead, but a male walked in once I did. The same male I made fall off his motorcycle. I looked away rather fast and down at my notebook.

"Seojun, nice of you to join us," the teacher said.

"I had to go to the nurse," he grumbled. My eyes softened, and I sighed quietly. I started feeling bad once again. "Fell off my motorcycle," he added coldly.

"Take a seat and relax. I hope you feel better," Mr Han said softly.

Seojun rolled his eyes, then walked to his seat. Right behind me. I gulped and stayed looking down. "Hm..." Seonjun said behind me. "It's you..." He said to me.

I looked up and turned my head slightly to see him. "I said I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"I know," Seojun said. A slight smirk appeared on his lips. "I heard the sorry's both times," he teased softly. A way different demeanor than when I first met him. "I'm sorry too," he whispered. "I really am."

"Forgiven," I spoke sincerely. I smiled at him, then looked straight ahead. My smile stayed as I took notes down for class. 'He's kinda cute...' I thought to myself, my smile widening.

"Watch out," I heard Sooah whisper to me. I looked over at her and tilted my head. "Seojun's bad news," she added.

I took a glance back at him. He was staring straight ahead with a cold look. I could see why Sooah said it, and I clearly saw his bad side this morning, but he couldn't be so bad. I mean, he said sorry to me. He can't be so bad...can he?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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