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"Would you like to meet my sister?"

It's a fairly innocuous question in Kiyoomi's mind. He's already planning on going out on Friday with Kaho, and offering to let Atsumu tag along isn't anything special. Except for some reason, the inquiry makes Atsumu's eyes widen in surprise—just enough to be noticeable.

Kiyoomi starts to wonder if he's missed something obvious.

Atsumu's tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth in thought before he offers up a half-hearted grin. "We've only been datin' for two weeks. Dontcha think it's kinda soon to be meetin' the family?"

Maybe in a traditional relationship, where they'd met on some trite dating app and had two middling-to-nice dates before deciding to give things a whirl. Maybe then it would be an odd thing to ask.

It doesn't feel like they've been dating for only two weeks. Not to Kiyoomi. How could it when he's spent the last four months getting to know who Miya Atsumu really is? Four months of touching him, teasing him, texting him, telling him things about himself and hearing stories back in return. Letting Atsumu into his apartment, his home, the most controlled environment Kiyoomi has to just himself—how could it feel like only fourteen measly days of dating after all of that?

"It's just drinks with my sister, not a family dinner to discuss your dowry," Kiyoomi explains, rather unnecessarily in his opinion. He doesn't really understand Atsumu's conflation of the circumstance. "Is this the part where I should remind you that I've known your brother for nearly two years now? Or the fact that you and my cousin have been friends since you were fifteen?"

Atsumu's uncertain grin softens into something more genuine. "You tryin' to use logic on me, Omi-kun? That's not very nice." Atsumu's foot playfully nudges at Kiyoomi's ankle under the table. The gesture eases the sliver of tension snaking its way across his shoulders from Atsumu's initial reaction.

He's at Atsumu's apartment for the first time. The home cooked dinner Kiyoomi had been promised is very clearly the product of Onigiri Miya. It still counts as home cooked for me, Atsumu had said in response to Kiyoomi's expression of judgment upon arrival. Kiyoomi can't exactly complain, given the quality of the food and the fact he's certain it was prepared in a sanitary environment. The meal doesn't seem like anything on the menu of Osamu's restaurant however, and Kiyoomi briefly wonders how big of a favor Atsumu owes his brother for the meal.

"You can say no," Kiyoomi replies, picking up another bite of miso-glazed eggplant with his chopsticks. "I offered because I thought you'd want to. Not because you're obligated to."

"Well, I don't wanna say no. I was just surprised, that's all." Atsumu appears sincere but Kiyoomi has learned that he can't always trust Atsumu's words. Kiyoomi studies him more closely, but all he can find of note is that Atsumu looks worn down, with slightly less energy than usual. The end of the season is near and Kiyoomi imagines they're being pushed harder than ever during practice.

"Is this the same sister that's the fashion designer?" Atsumu asks. "The one who got you into tattoos?"

"Yes. My only siblings are her and my brother. They're both more than ten years older than me but only my sister lives here in Osaka. My parents and brother are all in Yokohama."

Kiyoomi doesn't say anything more about his parents. There's no need to, beyond what he's already told Atsumu previously. The honest truth is that meeting his sister is the equivalent of a "meet the family night" to Kiyoomi—her opinion is the only one that matters to him beyond Motoya. Even then, it's not like he's close to Kaho in the same way Atsumu is with his twin.

And that's when Kiyoomi finally puts it together. Family opinion means something entirely different to Atsumu. Even so, Kiyoomi isn't one to beat around the bush or put things off for the sake of convention. He'd made up his mind about Atsumu months ago. There's no backing down now.

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