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Evelyn is around 15 years old, and she seems like the perfect girl with the perfect life, perfect family, grades, almost anything you could name, and she has many friends at school, mostly girls and her grades are straight A's her teachers love her she is single and so everything seems perfect, but people don't know what happens at home for her.

even though things seem perfect Evelyns friends aren't allowed over at her house, her mom is mostly out of Evelyns life her father is an addict and so Evelyn spends most of her time alone in her house, around next year when her birthday comes around, she starts getting depressed and worried about something because she feels like somebody is stalking her.

when her birthday comes around she isnt answering her phone,she isnt coming to school and nobody has talked to her for a while and people are getting worried Evelyns friends talk to the police and explain how and hwy they thing she is missing so th epolice decide to go to evelyns house and knock on the door, the door seems to be broken and left open,nothing in the house is broken but there are muddy footprints leading up to Evelyns room and her whole room looks like it has been ransacked and broken through everything in her room thrown around and broken,scratches on the wall and her mirror broken with a bit of blood around her makeup desk,her makeup left out and dripping everywhere...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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