Waking up at 4 am

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A\N: This is my second The Morning Show Bradley/Laura oneshot. I love this show and this couple so much, I hope we see them get back together in season 4, enjoy, Angels. 


Laura is cold when she wakes up in bed, dressed only in her bra and her panties, but it's not the  slight chill in the room that makes her cold, it's not having the warm body snuggled into her. The other side of the bed, the side where Bradley lies, is empty and cold. She sits up, turning on the lamp that sits on her nightstand, her eyes catching the time on her clock: 4:00

"Bradley?" Laura asks, slipping out of bed, there's no answer from her girlfriend as she's wrapping a robe around herself as she leaves the bedroom.  She pads downstairs and smiles as she walks into the living room at what she sees:

Bradley curled up on the sofa asleep. Laura sighs to herself, knowing why she woke up cold: Bradley only sleeps on the sofa after a nightmare so she doesn't wake up Laura if she has another one. Laura loves Bradley, of course she does, but she wishes her girlfriend opened up about her nightmares, like she opened up to her. 

She walks up to the couch and kneels down to Bradley's level and starts to wake up her blonde girlfriend. She watches as the blonde's eyes flutter open and a smile slowly forms on her face. 

"Hey." Bradley says sleepily leaning in to kiss Laura. 

"Hey," Laura replies into the kiss. "how bad was it?" She asks, pulling away from Bradley's lips and straightening up. Bradley sits up, making space for Laura to sit down next to her.

"Doesn't matter."  Bradley mutters as Laura sits down next to her. "Yes it does. If it caused you to leave bed to sleep on the couch, then it  does matter." Laura argues, wrapping an arm around Bradley's shoulder, Bradley leans against Laura. "It was about you." Bradley says quietly. Laura presses a kiss to the blonde's hair. "I'm right here, I'm here." Laura whispers, peppering the younger woman's head with soft kisses. "I know." Bradley responds before starts talking again.

 "You left me, then you were murdered, I found out while doing the news. It felt real, Laura, it felt so real." Laura gathers Bradley in her arms and holds her close to her. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Bradley." Laura reassures the love of her life. Bradley puts her head on Laura's shoulder, nodding her head. 

The two women sit in silence as they watch the sun rise in the sky. "Can I get you anything?" Laura finally asks, Bradley shakes her head: she doesn't want Laura to let her go yet. She doesn't want to leave Laura's lap. "Okay." Laura says, kissing her hair again.

She doesn't mind: she's content to just hold Bradley in her arms for as long as she needs.


A\N: My second The Morning Show Laura/Bradley oneshot in a day! I have another oneshot in the works, my Angels. As I get more into the show and their relationship, the oneshots will get longer. I hope you enjoy, Angels. 

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