snow shit

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 'Ready for this?' Ryan asked, although it's rhetorical. He and Min had been planning this for a bit. Sort of. Kinda. A little bit. Alright, maybe not much. But Min didn't seem to mind since they didn't drive too far away from tonight's gig, so that wasn't a big deal.

'I guess?' Min-Gi trailed off. He chuckled to himself a bit. He was nervous, Ryan could tell, but after the Train, Min always kept his end of the promise. Ryan slows down a bit to make sure everyone's alright before dragging them to do something dumb, Min speeds up and has some fun instead of locking himself up all day. It's worked a lot, actually. Ryan doesn't get in trouble with the cops anymore, Min's not so caught up in impressing his parents at every little step.

'Are you sure we couldn't've borrowed an actual sled? Or atleast something know,' Min looked at the large cafeteria tray. 'Has enough space for the two of us?'

'Science!' the cheery singsong voice chirped back.

'You were like, terrible at science. Barely passed.'

Ryan laughed. 'Aren't you curious? To see if we could do it?' He gave Min his signature puppy eyes, to which Min's already pink cheeks flushed even more. Probably from the cold.

'Fineee,' Min rolled his eyes.

Both of them sat crisscross applesauce (as Ryan still liked to say) on the tray, Ryan first. Min was still cautious of sledding on the hill behind their old high school right after a mild blizzard, ever-so-conveniently providing the luxury of driving around in a foot of fresh, fluffy snow, plus the older ice under it. Nice to look at, but otherwise...meh.

'Here goes nothing!' Ryan leaned forward, anticipating the air in his ears, flapping around his thick hair. Min, on the other hand, yelped and almost fell off before steadying himself, arms clutched around Ryan. Funny how he could tell all this by sound.

The cafeteria tray sped up, but then started to swivel around. Looking up, both men saw something even Min didn't consider. A big pile - no, scratch that. A giant- nonono, a HUMUNGUS pile of snow the size of a car.

Even Ryan freaked out, instinctively pulling the front edge of the tray up to shield himself from face planting in snow.

Unfortunately, unlike actual plastic sleds, large metal cafeteria trays aren't flexible.

Another 'unfortunately' to add to their panic, the fresh snow didn't do much to actually hold up the weight of two young men and a tray, which in physics, equals to the density being too great in ratio to their surface area. The sudden shift in the centre of gravity, aka Ryan pulling the tray out from underneath them, didn't do well either. And don't forget the tray's rim thing somehow dislodging and flicking over a notable amount of snow from the monster sized pile! In other words: uh-oh.

When Min pulled himself up, he looked around and saw Ryan face-down in the snow behind him, while the tray was about 15 metres away, sticking up in the snow. The snow pile had a chunk missing, which perhaps had to do with the additional clumps of snow near the tray scattered generously. 


Heat from the fireplace embraced the two in a warm cocoon, further wrapped in each other's arms. 

[ngl I wrote this ages ago and no longer have the motivation to finish it so :/ ]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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