Chapter 2: The Security Nodes

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Cassie: Ow, my head, where did that thing go

Cassie: I better find a way out before that thing comes back

Cassie got up and had a terrible headache after the fall, but she had to just walk it off so she started roaming around montys gator golf looking for a way out she was walking around the place when a Mask Bot came out of nowhere and jmupscared her she screamed so loud but than when she realized it was a bot she grabbed the Vanni Mask

MaskBot: Hi! Free Mask! Please take a mask, please take a mask!

Cassie Slowly put the mask on and everything started to look futuristic and all glitchy and strange she actually thought the mask was really, really cool she could even see through some objects with the mask then a little animatronic popped up on the screen saying it was going to pair with her Cassie got a little scared when she saw that message than she got pinched in the back of her head it hurt a little bit, but she was fine Cassie slowly took off the mask and got jump scared when she could still she Helpi it looks like a chip was implanted in her brain she put the mask back on and started looking for an escape like she was meant to do and after searching for a while she found another door she could open with her fazwatch she opened the door and was in the restrooms in montys golf she didn't want to be in there because it smelled even worse so she quickly left she found a new area that looked so cool with the AR mask on and after walking around for a really, really long time she got jump scared by Monty running past her, she almost screamed but had to hold it in or Monty would've heard her Cassie started slowly following Monty and then her walkie-talkie went off

Gregory: Cassie, Please don't stop looking for me

Cassie: Gregory, I can hear you

Gregory: If You Can Hear Me, Turn Off all Security It all off

Cassie: What are you talking about, this makes no sense

Gregory: Security nodes! Find them and turn them all off

Cassie: Security nodes, what the heck are those.

Cassie was confused but had to look for these security nodes she wasted no time and started looking for them instantly she was running through the area and went up a flight of stairs and saw a security node

Gregory: That's a Security node find the child nodes first and deactivate them.

Cassie started looking around the golf course searching for these child nodes she was kinda of getting mad because Gregory was sending her on fetch quests, but it was fine she started following this wire hoping to find the node, and she finally found the child node and deactivated it than she went to 1 of the security nodes and also deactivated it Cassie started heading out of there and when she was about to start looking for the exit, she found ANOTHER security node she got kind of mad but than Helpi popped up again.

Helpi: I've Detected an anomaly, please ask this anomaly to leave the area

Cassie didn't see the anomaly until she turned around and saw.

Helpi: I've Detected an anomaly, please ask this anomaly to leave the areaCassie didn't see the anomaly until she turned around and saw

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