Getting Cash

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'Real'ing in the big bucks doesn't happen quickly on this app. As you have to spend money on random house and email events, food and medicine. Along the way, you will want to trade in the dirty, cheap couch they gave you in the tutorial for a real bed. You'll want to buy the little knickknacks in the flea market. Blah, blah, blah, you need money.

So really theres three ways to get money, and if there's more...sorry. So you can either work for it, be given it, or buy it. So the third option is simple. Go to you're app/play store and use real money to buy some coins. That's the quick and easy way, but thats probably not the way you wanna do it.

Then, the second option: Giving and Taking. By collecting some of the objects in the yard, youre little person might show the action 'Selling Collectible Online'. Although this is easy, and all you have to do is drag them to the object, there's two problems. One, it takes a lot of time. Two, it only gives you a couple coins.

There's another give/take way. Random points throughout the game, your screen will show one of two options. In the top right corner of the screen, you will see a yellow flashing icon. This means you must violently drag your person to their computer. It may be a spam(which you can fix by buying the anti-spam software in the flea market), an email from a old friend, or an email that will result in you paying or receiving money.

Then there's the 'house events'. A blue square will cover most of your game when you receive a house event. It really doesn't matter if you read them or not. Some are dreadfully long (almost a paragraph) about a story that only results in your disappointment because you get nothing. You can get free pets, free adoptions of children, and our favorite (or at least mine) MONEY.

Then, there's that first option. Working for money. [Cue babies crying and dramatic depressed tune]. It takes forever to work on career, and also results in a coin or two. (If any). Although there's several negatives about it, it's a must. Working will give you experience so you get promotions, level up (level 8=master), and get a higher paying salary.

With a WiFi and/or data connection, you can watch advertisement videos to earn the usual 20 coins. These are cool because you can easily watch them and stack up on coins. I usually do these to pay for my groceries. TIP: ONLY BUY THE 20 COIN GRAIN FOOD FROM THE VERY TOP OF THE FOOD CATEGORY.

So, now you know how to make a couple coins. But that isn't fun! All you need for this first trick is the praising glove in the top left corner and some patience. Oh, and an employeed adult that isn't holding a baby. But you should always have at least one of those at a time. Here's what you've been waiting for: the work trick.

Drag your adult to his work place- whether it's the kitchen, office or what i call the 'hardware room'/ 'bench room'. After their action says that they are working on their career, you must use the praising glove three times on that person. It will say 'running away', and above that it will have a blue line that will tell you to stop nagging. Well, despite what they tell you to do, drag that same adult again. Praise it three times. Repeat this over and over, at least ten times total. This will make them want to do this action over and over. After a while, when you open the app again, they will have more job experience. You're balance will be raised. They may even have a promotion or be a master.

Glad i could help. If i didnt, sorry.

See the cash I got overnight in the picture at the top/right

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