Lincoln's Chances

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*The Day starts off with Lincoln and Clyde Walking peacefully To School*

*Inside the school, Lincoln takes his seat as he looks behind him to see Ronnie Anne Blushing and looking at him with a Warm smile*

Lincoln: Clyde?

Clyde: Yeah, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Why is She Blushing at me? (Referring to Ronnie Anne)

Clyde: Well, We are near the age of 12 right?

Lincoln: Yeah?

Clyde: Wanna know something else about that?

Lincoln: I would like to.

Clyde: *Looks at around and decides to whisper it* (Whispers) It is also close to the age to when Boys or Girls become interested into Eachother.

Lincoln: (Loudly) What!?

*Everyone in the class quickly noticed Lincoln's volume, Lincoln started to feel guilty as he calmed himself and stop worrying*

Lincoln: (Reassuringly) Sorry, We will talk later.

Clyde: It's Okay.

*Lincoln Tries to focus in all of the class and keep a smile on his face, But the more pressure he was on and because of What he saw on Ronnie Anne, He started to Blush as well, But then he started to cry for what a whole he has become*

*Clyde, Ronnie Anne, and Mrs. Johnson Quickly notice this*

Mrs. Johnson: Ronnie Anne? Can you walk with Lincoln, So That you make sure he is okay?

Ronnie Anne: *Startled by the fact that she is asked to help Lincoln, for the first time She didn't feel Ignorant and Didn't say bo.* yes ma'am.

*With Lincoln still sobbing she walked him to the stairs and sat with him, Patted his back a couple of times*

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln?

Lincoln: *Looks up slowly to her starlit Eyes* huh?

Ronnie Anne: Please... Please don't cry, Seeing you cry makes me cry, Can you tell me what is going on?

Lincoln: I've been A Fool...

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean?

Lincoln: For so long, I thought You didn't want me to meddle on You because You slapped me in the eye and the face, That made me feel heartbroken, But Now You blush at me...
*Sobs again*

Ronnie Anne: *Realizing What She Has Done, She Quickly Gave him a Tight Hug in Which He Gave Back* I guess, My Past Is Not Past You yet.

Lincoln: I guess not...

Ronnie Anne: Hey... *Puts a hand to his cheek, to lift his head up to her* You don't have to worry about my past, I have learned that was wrong, Now where Is My Ace Savvy.

Lincoln: *Stops Sobbing, Surprised, and Smiling* How did you know I was Into Ace Savvy!?

Ronnie Anne: Let's just say you are not the only one that likes Super Heroes.

Lincoln: Cool! *Feels something in his stomach and it aches him badly, and he collapses, His Cheeks Turn Green*

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln! You okay!? Stay Here, I am gonna Get Help!

*Ronnie Anne Rushes Like Sonic the Hedgehog Down to Mrs. Johnson's Room, Out of breath she tried to straighten herself*

Mrs. Johnson: Ronnie Anne, Where Is Lincoln?

*Lincoln's Retching and Moaning Were all that she needed to know where he Was, Both the Teacher and The Girl Ran down the Halls and Found Lincoln Sick with Food poisoning, Mrs. Johnson Called 911, They Brought a cot to lay him down on, and they Laid A Trash can next to him just in case if he needs to vomit, and sure enough, The Ride was only 15 minutes to the nearest hospital and he Was Vomiting, Shaking, and Coughing For 10 Hours, The doctors Kept Ronnie Anne, Both The Louds and Casagrandes in the Waiting Room*

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