Die heizou die

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_~ Kazuha POV ~_
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Intense pressure enclosed on the air around me. I felt almost trapped with how tense it was. I got an underwhelming feeling that Scaramouche was a bit.. mad..?

"...Are you mad me?" I questioned awkwardly, my eyes admiring the floor. I clamped my hands together, quietly fidgeting with my hands.

"No, not at all." Scaramouche sarcastically snapped. Even if I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me.

"Sorry..." I whimpered, lowering my head a bit. Was he mad that I dragged into this? I was just trying to help him confront Heizou. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to help. It's really none of my business, is it?

Scaramouche stayed silent until we reached the cafe, where Heizou already sat. "We're here." It felt odd to be so cold to my childhood friends. We were so close before that people had even mistaken us for lovers, and now, we acted like strangers.

I sat down on the other side of the booth, away from Heizou, and Scaramouche plopped down next to me.

"Hello." Heizou smiled at us. This wasn't the same smile he used to grin at me, this was more sinister, I could feel it. And I'm sure Scaramouche could too.

Thinking back at it, was Scaramouche really ever at ease around Heizou? I forced him to hang out with Heizou all those times, yet he felt so sick. Jesus, I'm a horrible person.

"Hi." Scaramouche's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I'm surprised at how composed he right now, as he usually wears his emotions like he's walking at a fashion show.

I gritted my teeth, Scaramouche shouldn't have to act so composed. He should be able to wear his emotions on his sleeve. "Why would you make up such a ridiculous lie?! How could you even say something like that—"

"What else am I supposed to say?" Heizous voice suddenly deranged, almost desperate for something. It was hoarse, like he was on the edge of tears. What the fuck.


"That I raped someone?! I couldn't say that, everything that I worked to improve would be gone. I'm trying to change, Scara, I really am. If I did that then everything would be ruined!" Heizou's voice almost sounded begging, pleading with cries. And what was that nickname, 'Scara'? Heizou doesn't get to call Scaramouche by a nickname. He doesn't get to be affectionate or close to Scaramouche, after all he's done.

I sighed, Heizou was getting a little to worked up. I just need to calm him down so we can talk like civilized people. "Alright, we get it Heizou, now calm down—"

"Liar." My sentence cut off by one word, cold and certain. Scaramouche could see right through Heizou. Heizou just acted like he never acted so begging and desperate in response, going back to his calm and reserved self. What the hell. Since when was Heizou this manipulative?!

"You can't change the way you are, and if you were trying to change, you wouldn't have does that shit in the first place! You wouldn't have blamed me and you would've took ownership. Instead, your coward-ass is just acting like I raped you!" Scaramouche ranted, his words tumbling out after the other. His face was flushed, and he almost look relieved as he said these things. Like he had gotten a lot off of his chest. That was until... afterwards, when he started to look like he regretted saying those things.

Heizou remained silent, seemingly just smiling blanking at Scaramouche. It was eerie.

"You can do more than that, Kunikuzushi." Heizou spoke, and I could feel Scaramouche freeze next to me. Right! That's his real name, I forgot Scaramouche doesn't go by his birth name.

"What... did you just call me?" Scaramouche demanded, his voice weaker than it was before. Did mentioning his birth name really have that much effect on him? Did have something to do with his junior high days?

"Huh? Do you not like it when I call you that, Kunikuzushi?" Heizou smiled sweetly, yet his words were bitter. I could feel Scaramouche quiver beside me, it made me feel guilty. I really know nothing about this, do I? And I tried to resolve it, but I know nothing at all.

"Shut.. the fuck up." Scaramouche said, his voice slightly lowered along with his head. I had a bad feeling that this argument was about to escalate into Heizou's favor.

"Woah, no need for the potty mouth, Scara! Hey Kazu," Heizou turned to face me, his face suddenly more sinister. "Did you know Scaramouche swears like that during sex, too?" I felt my heart drop.

My stomach felt queasy, but at the same time my face started to flush. I didn't want it to flush, I felt disgusted by what Heizou said. I didn't want to hear about that. I didn't want to hear about how Heizou raped Scaramouche.

And I know Scaramouche didn't want to hear it either.

I don't want Scaramouche to hear any of this.

It's horrible.

This is horrible. I hate Heizou. I hate my childhood best friend.

"Scaramouche—" my sentence was cut off by a hand pulling me out of the seat. Scaramouche wanted to leave, so I let him pull me out of the cafe, not sharing one more word to Heizou.

I didn't leave Scaramouche, not as we walked down the sidewalk, not as we crossed the street, not as we got to his neighborhood, not as we got to his house, I didn't leave him. I don't want to leave him.

"Is it okay if I come in?" I quietly asked as he walked into his house, the first we had spoken since at the cafe. It felt impolite to ask, but I just didn't want to leave him alone. I know it's selfish, it is, but I just can't let him go right now.

Scaramouche nodded, and I followed him in. He had a huge house. That's right! He was Raiden's son, everyone knows about that.

I saw his sister on the couch, watching TV. She turned as we walked in, then smirked at me. "Hey Scaramouche's friend!~" I blushed a bit, not expecting anyone to be home. I guess I never really thought about if he had any siblings or not.

Scaramouche stayed silent, making his way upstairs. "What's up with him?" His sister questioned, raising an eyebrow. I wasn't really sure what to say, and I doubt Scaramouche wants me to tell his sister, so I bowed an apology and rushed up the stairs after Scaramouche.


Words: 1104

Done with this chapterrrr!! It's a little quicker than the chapters before, in times of release dates. So yay!! Also, there were a lot of votes for yes to smut (Wattpad readers exclusive thing, to my ao3 readers.) anyways, bye bye! (๑>◡<๑)

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