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What is this? What is this feeling?

Ever since morning came, I can't help but sense that something is wrong.
Something feels weird.








", if we multiply fifty and four..."

It still won't dissapear.




"...then, subtract it with five.."

Even until now.




"...iuri, pay attention..."

Something horrible is happening in this moment..




"...miuri, pay attention.."

I'm not sure what it is, but..



"Yomiuri Nikei!
Would it kill for you- to pay attention to your teacher?!" A voice then interrupted my moments of peace.

Before I knew it, I felt a tingling pain in my cheek. Eyes of mine that were focused on the clock earlier, has now turned to look at the person in front of me.

Raising my hand to touch my cheek that was slapped, a twisted feeling of irritation began to grow deep inside of me.

Here it comes, a feeling that I've always had with me as a child. A friend that has always sticked with me. A friend that was slowly killing myself, the more I grow up.

"Look at you. You're the only person dozing off, like a daydreamer!"
I can't help but start to grow more irritated, upon hearing the sound of her voice.

Would it kill for you to shut the hell up?
Would it kill for you to mind your own business?
Would it kill for you to stop yelling every five seconds?

"Take this as a warning." She turned around before walking back to the front of the class, and going back to teaching.

A sense of humiliation began to grow on me.
I hated the fact that she embarassed me in front of the whole class, like it was no big deal.
Soon, eyes that were on me earlier, turns away.

I tried to make it go away by dugging my nails deep into my thighs.
I wouldn't want to get slapped again.

Still, I couldn't focus on the whiteboard at all.
Deep inside, something was pricking my brain.
The words; run away-
Was repeating over, and over.
I wasn't the one to listen to my guts feelings, yet, this time, it felt serious more than ever.

But, it's so stupid.
Listening to your guts feelings... seriously?
Those kind of people are the same type of people that are scared of zombies.

Suddenly, I was distracted from my thoughts by a nearby scream.
When the teacher heard that, she fell silent.
It was most likely another of those annoying students who enjoys attracting attention, I tell myself. You know those kids that randomly screams while passing by the hallway? Yeah, those.

Oh, I was so wrong.

The door to our classroom swung open, revealing a.. person. Slowly, "it" began to limp towards us.

Its skin, bloodied and decaying. Its white pupils with black scleras that looked lifeless. Its jaw that was hanging wide open, while some drools were dripping.

Everybody, including me, stood there in shock.
None of us moved an inch.
None of us could.

Suddenly, one student broke the tension and lunged at the "creature".
A student with a muscular build, peach-ish red eyes that are covered by a pair of black sunglasses, jumped on the thing.

Where will it go from here?

Words: 557

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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By The Irony Of Fate || SDRA2 Voids || Zombie Apocalpyse! AUWhere stories live. Discover now