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( Dentz )
Location: Party Host's Attic

Genie and I snuck into the attic of our host's home, entirely disregarding any hypothetical concerns they may have had about two strangers sneaking into the museum of their forgotten items. I didn't know the host too well, though I've attended parties here before. He was some douchebag rich musician who had rich parents and an emancipation. I knew him through Brendin, who fittingly knew a lot of rich douchebags. I only knew about this guy's attic because i got so high off of god knows what and it was the only place I could sleep in without drunk couples trying to fuck right next to me. Bedrooms are a sploodge fest after parties in LA, and god knows how many people have fucked on those crusty unwashed sheets. I'd rather sleep on a dusty attic floor, I mean, do you really think a rich teenager with no parents is washing any sheet in that house? Anyways, the attic had a killer view of LA. We were in the Hollywood Hills, and the view was to die for. I pulled Genie inside and pulled the ladder in quickly before someone could see.

Genie looked around in awe. "God damn, this attic is bigger than my living room." She said, as I locked the latch on the door. "You think he'd notice we were up here?"

I looked at her, she already knew the answer.
We both laughed and made our way to the attic balcony like moths to a lamp. The view was even more breathtaking the second time. Genie's eyes lit up, I can see the city lights reflect on her eyes. Her face sat still in awe, it was beautiful.

"Holy shit Dentz, this is..amazing." She whispered. "I know, I had to show you what you were missing." I snickered, watching her in complete delight and admiration. I could tell she was absolutely hypnotized, I chucked and fixed my eyes on the city lights.

"I knew you'd love it. Better than some lame party with a bunch of coke heads right? This is the only reason I came. So I can show you this. Hope it was worth the six hour drive."
She smiled. "LA really is beautiful." She looked down at her hands that were resting on the balcony fence. Her smile fell as she began to fiddle with her fingers. It looked like she had a lot of say. "Something wrong?" I asked, concern immediately flooding my nerves. She sighed and turned away, her gaze still fixed on her hands.  "Dentz, why did you bring me here?" She asked, her voice drenched in a tone I couldn't decode. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, confused.
She didn't say anything.

"I brought you here because I thought you'd like to see LA. I thought this view was perfect." I said. "What's the matter?"
"Dentz, you have a girlfriend. Why didn't you bring her?" She asked, folding her arms. I paused and thought. What was she getting at? She was my best friend, could I not show my best friend a view I think she'd enjoy?

Or was she poking at the problems Layla and I were having? Either way, I don't know why she was looking to ask this now. "Can I not hang out with you? I'm confused.." "yeah so am I dentz. Listen, I'm really happy you did this, and I appreciate this, but this feels really wrong. I'm gonna go back downstairs ." Genie said, making her way over to the attic door. "Genie, what the hell are you talking about? You're being vague, and I can't understand why you've been distant with me ever since Layla and I had that fight in the park." I followed after her. "You've been acting strange. Are you okay?"

"No!" She exclaimed, stopping in her tracks abruptly. She turned to look at me, tears building in her eyes, yet her face remained unfazed.  Her eyes looked exhausted. She began to chuckle, but it was obviously out of frustration. "That stupid fucking look on your face, dude you can't possibly not know."

I continued to stand there in confusion, our eyes locked on one another. I didn't know what to say. She scoffed. Tears raced down her face and dropped off her chin onto her velvet top.

Then I realized.

My eyes widened as I began to shake my head slowly. "No..no Genie." I was genuinely stunned. "Now? You're doing this to me now? I-"
"I knew you were gonna say something stupid." She said turning away to the attic door.

I never expected Genie to like me back. This felt unreal. I was in love with Genie, this should make me the happiest man alive.

So why was I not?

I felt dread, almost as if I just lost someone. I watched wide eyed as she pulled the lack on the attic door up. She looked up at me with the saddest eyes, tears flooding them. She extended the ladder and made her way down, not saying another word.

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