Chapter 1: A Girl

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(The names I am about to use aren't the actual names of the people in the story, I didn't want to use the actual names in the story.)

               About 5 years ago I met a girl who would change my life forever, I just
didn't know it yet. Her name was Daphne Reynolds and she had the most amazing
smile I had ever seen in my entire life. I introduced myself and told her my name was Alex Mills and that it was a pleasure to meet her. As we said goodbye I couldn't help but watch her as she walked away, she was beautiful and I knew right then and there that my life was going to change forever. The next couple of weeks we would see
each other everyday after school at the youth center and hang out and talk to each other about how our day was or what was new. Time flew by like that and by the time it was halfway threw the school year we had become good friends. I always looked forward to seeing her everyday after school when she would come to the youth center to hangout. We always had so much fun hanging out together and making each other laugh, I was so glad that I met Daphne, she was such a great friend.

By the time the school year was halfway over it came to the point where we would have go to the movies and have sleepovers. Daphne would usually sleepover my house and we would sometimes meet up with other friends that night and hangout with them as well. As I got to know Daphne more and more I realized that I was slowly starting to like her and that was the beginning of a whole new thing. When I knew for certain that I liked her and that the feeling wasn't going away I knew that I had to tell her because it would eat me alive inside if I didn't. I chose to tell her on Friday when I knew she would have the weekend to process it and that she wouldn't be going to school the very next day. It wasn't going to be easy for me, but I knew I had to tell her.  When the day came I waited until most of the others left and went home and I took her outside onto the balcony porch up above on the top of hill from the youth center.  When we got to the top I rested my arms on the railing and told her it was a nice talking spot to talk at. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, but I just couldn't do it in person, I was too nervous. I told Daphne that I was a bit chilly so I was quickly going to go inside and grab my sweatshirt.  When I got inside I went and grabbed my phone and walked over to the bathroom and started to text her. I messaged her and told her that I didn't anything to change between us, but that there was something I needed to tell her.  Continuing to message her I told her that I liked her and that the feeling wasn't going away. She told me that it was okay and that she was still going to be my friend and that nothing would change. I was relieved and as I went to go back outside to rejoin her my friend Nicki asked me if I was getting a ride with her to her house because her mom was there or if I was staying there. After a few seconds of thinking I just went with Nicki and messaged Daphne and told her I had to go and that I would see her on Monday. I felt like a complete jerk leaving her up there all alone especially after what I had just told her.  That entire night I thought to myself did I make the right choice leaving today or should I have stayed? The whole night that was going to be the only thing on my mind, and to that day I realized I should have stayed.

(I'll be adding more chapters as I move along, it's a work in progress, but I really hope you all enjoy it!!!)

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