chapter 1

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Feeling a cold rush flow through your body your body you look around to see where you are. A vast field of nothing but snow and trees lies infront of you.trying to remember how this happened you look back over the past couple of days of your life to think about how it came to this.


You were running you don't remember why you were running or for how long all you could remember is that you were running. And then with a sickening crunch you remember why you were running. Those robots were after you and they wanted your watch. But you may be asking why did they want the watch?
That's because it was no ordinary watch, this watch let you transform into amazing creatures all with there own powers that you dubbed "aliens".
But with great power comes great sacrifice. After a few days of owning the watch something terrible happened. You may not have had the best relationship with those dirt bags you called parents but seeing them laying dead infront of you filled you with dread.

After running for what felt like hours you had finally made it to your destination, mt ebbot. You had chosen the mountain since it was avoided by everyone due to rumors of monsters and the fact that 4 kids went missing. But you figured that's all they were, rumors, so you steeled yourself and continued on your trec to the mountain.

Remembering why you were still running instead of walking you spun around to try and see your attacker. A large mechanical beast the size of a large van. It had 3 legs all sharpened and keeping the beast upright. It also had an elongated head and insect like eyes. You thought to yourself that you got lucky seeing as how there's only one.

Glancing down at your wrist you decide to utter the only words you can think of before slapping your hands down on your wrist.

It's hero time!

And in a glowing green flash you were replaced with a large red humanoid creature although there was one stark difference, this creature had four arms.

"Heh times to throw hands you bucket of bolts". You said to yourself as you cracked your knuckles. "All four of em."

Throwing a punch you managed to make the creature stumble backwards. Seeing this as an opportunity you sprint away as fast as your large frame would let you, as you eventually get away. Keep in mind you could handle yourself In a fight. But those things were almost impossible to take out seeing as how there skin is almost as tough as diamonds.

Running further you finally find a suitable destination. Not wanting to time out mid air you jump into the pit hoping four arms increased durability would save you.

Landing on the ground with a large thud you slowly open your eyes and look around. Looking around you gaze at yourself and see you must've timed out while unconscious.

Getting up and walking further into the ruins you find yourself face to face with a……frog? Before suddenly you have to dodge backwards to avoid an attack the frog threw. but before you could retaliate a large women with goat like features glared at the frog and caused it to run away. Glancing back up at the women she proceeded to look down at you before speaking.
"My child are you hurt"? She said while examining you. "Uh I don't think so". Suddenly she reached a hand out to you. "Come with me my child I will bring you to my home".

Flashback over

Glancing back down at your feet you try to remember where it went wrong and why your now alone in this blizzard. Ah you remember now you had messed up a puzzle and fell into the lower ruins where you had met an  important figure a tiny flower who had taught you how to save and load. You were confused as to how you could save your progress and then just load it later like nothing was wrong? As the flower explained to you it was because of your Determination a substance that's decided upon birth and not the emotion. After that you had to explore through some completely abandoned ruins before you had managed to make it outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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