Chapter 6. Who the hell keeps heroin under their bed?

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My world faded at her words.

I pulled the phone away from my ears as my eyes went back towards her. She placed the bouquet of purple lilies on her mother's grave.

''Mother in all my darkness who will light up my world after you? I can't bear this darkness anymore, I really can't . . . I still have not been able to find your murders. Until I kill them with my own hands I will never be able to rest. I promise you, I will tear the skin of those who killed you and Edward. If not then I shall drain every drop of blood in my veins.''

I will light up your world.

I will be there for you.

I will give you every single drop of my blood for the sake of your life.

But then the doctor's words kept repeating in my mind.

''Pregnancy can be equivalent to her death.''

The purpose of this marriage is that she will give me my heirs and this union gives me Sicily. The solmn purpose of Anastasia is to give me children and because of her stupid impulsiveness she is incapable of doing that now. I felt anger swimming through my veins. Its not like I can kill her and marry again, violating the deal between me and her father could cost me a war with him and it would be a symbol of unstability to my rule.

Placing my phone inside the pocket of my dress pants, I took heavy steps towards Anastasia's direction trying not to let my growing anger out. I came in front of her as my blank amd stern eyes meet with her teary ones. Her somewhat relaxed facial expressions were disturbed at my sight. Her face displaying emotions of surprise, disgust and anger.

''What the hell are you doing here? Did I not tell you to leave me alone.'' She managed to say while swiping the pads of her fingers across her face to wipe the drops of tears.

''Thats enough. I can't wait for you forever. We are leaving.'' I said in a stern voice causing her to flinch at the sudden increase of my pitch.

''I will stay for as long as I want you can't order me around I am not your servant.'' She barked back as I reached for the handles of her wheelchair.

I harshly pulled the handles of the wheelchair in my direction and started to pull her away from the graves of her brother and mother.

''You should've thought about that when you place the damn ring on my finger. I think you're forgetting that you are to marry me and become my wife and wives are like . . . servants.''

My words broke her but she did not let it show. I came in front of her and kneeled down to her level staring intensely into her eyes. A smirk appeared on my lips as I met her face which showed nothing but fury.

''You doubting me that I will be an obedient wife is the biggest misconception of the century.'' She said certainly.

''You should not be so certain tigress, you dream of taking control of Sicily like a little princess, but you're father had sold you to me. I bought Sicily and you were the price.'' I said as the evil monster inside me twirled in pleasure.

It felt like she had broken into a million pieces at my words. Words are so hurtful and sharp. They hit at places that hurt the most. It powerful how some words can shatter sensitive hearts.

I felt a sharp tease on my left cheek as my neck turned in inertia.

She slapped me.

My smirk grew wider while I faced away from her.

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