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500 years ago...

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Once upon a time... There was once a kingdom that was glorious and flourishing place to be. The kingdom was full of people, travelers, townsfolks, and magical creatures.

It was a land of beauty and wonder, with a variety of creatures and people from all walks of life living there together in peace and harmony.

The kingdom was a vibrant and bustling place, filled with the sounds of laughter and music, and the sights of merchants peddling their wares and street performers enchanting the crowds.

Until one day... That all changed when the kingdom was attacked by the evil queen... Dark magic had entered the atmosphere, making the sky and clouds begin to turn red and black, and a huge black portal appeared in the sky...

And the next thing they knew... A fierce battle broke out between the kingdom and the evil queen's army. The evil queen had now returned from her prison and emerged from the underground abyss with her minions to get her revenge.

Dark creatures begin to fly down very fast and start to attack and destroy everything in sight. Even though the kingdom fought back valiantly, Despite the kingdom's best efforts they were no match against the evil queen's unstoppable power of its army from the underground abyss.

Many people and creatures got killed and others got captured and forced to be slaves or even forced to join the evil queen's side so they wouldn't get killed.

In the end, The evil queen ended up taking over the kingdom but also killing the royal couple, the king and queen. However, only one royal member has survived. The royal couple's child.

Thanks to their royal butler... who was the most loyal butler that has worked for the queen and king for many years now. He was the one who managed to get the baby princess out of danger as the royal butler managed to escape and flee from danger along with the baby princess...

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As the kingdom had fallen... The royal butler dashed through the forest, weaving through trees as fast as he could, he was wearing a cloak and had the hood over his head.

In his arms was the king and queen's baby, nestled in a basket wrapped in a warm thick cover that would keep the baby princess warm. The royal butler fled with the baby princess, who was the only survivor of the kingdom's downfall.

He kept running through the woods as fast as he could, to get as far away as he could from the fallen of the kingdom that was once used to be a glorious and flourishing place to behold in sight.

But now as a dark, dangerous, and corrupted place to be. And while he was running, he then glanced down at his arm for a few moments before the royal butler then spoke up softly. "Don't worry, little one. I got you..." The loyal butler said, glancing down at it once again.

Finally, he had reached a safe haven far from the kingdom and was now far away from the fallen kingdom.

He then carefully set down the basket gently on the ground before making sure the baby was nestled comfortably in the basket, lined with warm blankets and a pillow...

The royal butler looked down at the baby for a few moments with a soft look on his face before pulling out something from his pocket vest...

It was a necklace that had a cute star on it that seemed to be glowing. He then placed the necklace underneath the warm thick blanket before he spoke up and said...

"One day... I'll find you, princess... I'll find you again when you're older... but for now... you can't stay here, little one... it's dangerous... The day has finally come... what you're mother was worrying about. when the right time has come... I shall find you again and you will know all the truth that will lie ahead of your journey. Little one..."

The royal butler then caressed the baby princess' cheek gently before pulling his hand back. and said his final words...

"Until we meet again, princess..." With all his might, the royal butler began to chant a spell to transport the princess to another world. and a circle of light began to appear underneath the basket and it began to glow brightly.

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And soon enough the basket disappeared with the baby in a flash of light, leaving him all by himself as he stood there silently in the forest.

As the princess was now being transported to another world and that new world was known as 'Earth'

Where she'll be safe.... where she'll be taken care good of... and one that the evil queen could never get to or could never know where she is... Now that the baby princess was safe in a new world, away from that evil queen's wicked cruelty...

The royal butler sighed quietly as he then gazed upon at the dark sky that was filled with red terror and darkness before he then quickly leave the area before any dark creatures could manage to find him.

As he walked away. He then gave one final lasting look at the kingdom that was once used to be his home now filled with terror and destruction as his gaze finally looked away and turned his back away at the fallen kingdom.

As he did not looked back anymore...

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