Sometimes you have to Start Over.
Holding on to a same problems every single day does not help you in your current situation or in life at all.
While that makes sense to most of us, most of us also still struggle to let go.
We hold on to who we were at our prime, to the nicest we've been, kindest we've been, the strongest, smartest, most productive, most successful, etc. We hold on to the highlights and keep comparing to our best.
But when life is down, and when it's been down for a while, we sometimes simply have to start over from scratch.
Not because we actually do start from nothing, but because in the attempt to regain what was lost we put so much pressure on ourselves that nothing gets done.
I've had a few moments like this in my life. Moments where I wanted to get back to where I was so badly that anything I did that did not at least match that was worthless.I felt weak, unproductive, unsuccessful, dumb and horribly out of form in comparison; because I was!
Accepting that and beginning anew was hard.
Whether it was going back to writing after a year break, going back into the romantic scene after a fight, or starting back with habits and working harder after months of low effort, it was always hard. You probably had times in your life where the same happened.
If you were lucky, or really motivated, you may have actually started. But even if you did, it likely did not last long. It is terribly difficult to accept that you struggle at your work, that your bank balance is low, or, even worse, that you did not do what was necessary or that it was your fault that things ended the way they did.
It's difficult to accept that you were the one at fault for your life, that you were the one who could have tried harder in the relationship and that it was due to your own low effort that you are not further than you are right now.
The hardest thing to accept is every time one has to accept it was their own fault.
Letting go of that pride, that wishful thinking, that nostalgia and that better sense of self and looking at the reality of what is instead; that is hard. It's hard because we have to surrender the image we've built up of ourselves over the years, some aspects of which hold a lot of meaning and value to us.
In an attempt to hold onto this we usually brush the minor counter arguments away. But sometimes we cannot run away in that way any more.To give you just a few examples you can ask yourself these questions and then see how easy it is to accept any of them:
Are you doing everything you can to reach your dream? Yes or No?Did you actually spend enough hours on your relationship last week? Did you truly make an effort?Do you fall asleep, at the end of the day, happy and exhausted because you really tried that day?Do you love your current life? Yes or No?
If the answer to any of these questions is "No" then you screwed up.
It is your fault that you are not putting in the effort, your fault that you are not where you want to be and your fault that your life is what it is.Can you accept that?
Many people try to brush this off, saying that it is the fault of the environment, their government, country, or their situation. And while that is not a lie, it also does not nullify the truth that you could have done more.
Think about it. None of that is going to make your life any better now.
You can hide from this all you want and point the finger at this, that or anything else, but it just won't change anything. I know it's hard. Believe me, I had to do some hard accepting to get where I am today, as I am sure many of you had to as well.n But I also know that when you start taking responsibility and ownership of your life, you give your life the opportunity for things to change dramatically.
When are you going to take your life into your own hands? When will you stop relying on the world around you to make life better for you? When do you finally say that you've waited enough?
The truth of the matter is simple: You can always do more.
You can always go on an another activity, always work out a little harder, always stay another hour, and always do a little more. Sometimes, it is not worth the effort. But often we simply do not want to surrender our own comfort to try.
In the end, it is only on you to choose.
It is your choice as to how much you do and how much you complain, because it is you that has to pay the consequences either way, just like it is you that reaps whatever rewards there may or may not be.
This is your life. You have to live it. Are you happy with the way it is so far?If you are not, then my only question is this: What did YOU not do?
The Hardest Thing to Accept.
Short StoryHolding on to a same problems every single day does not help you in your current situation or in life at all.