♡Chapter 1(the love story)

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Summer breaks over and im going back to school..great,but on the bright sight there is a new student,Her name is Emily well my friends say shes pretty but i haven't seen her yet even though she was in our class and she sat beside me...uh well i fell asleep..AGAIN!,im not surprised well..because i always fall asleep.Next period is science we are doing a science experience and the new girl emily talked to me because we are teammates in science..THANK GOD! Because my old teammate well...she was no help LOL, anyways she introduced herself well obviously and me too i said to her "hey! My name is Xavier whats yours?" I  said confidently she was nice but a little shy but thats okay! I asked her if she wanted to sit at recess together and i was so happy she said yes (at recess) we sat together and shared some of our food she brought cookies and i brought bread and when she tasted the bread she was like "wow how did you know that i love this bread hahahah well i guess we were meant to be friends" i was happy she liked it anyways i went to the toilet and when i was in the toilet i figured hmm i think of it i kinda like emily i mean she's  popular and cute nice,Everything about her is just perfect! I decided not to confess yet,i decided to confess probobly when im ready,this time im definetly not ready yet ,i spend alot of time with emily because guess what! We are besties♡ i cant belive it! We became besties THAT quick! I mean our friendship is really strong like literaly 1 year later and i didn't confess yet,im dissapointed in myself but its okay!,im almost ready after all, on the bad side my grades are dropping like a guy jumping from a plane with a parachute on like,wow!,but one day emily decides to help me with my grades i invited her over so we can have private time together learning,when she saw my essay she was too stunned "YOU WROTE THIS!?" she said,"so is it bad or good?" I said,"we have some work to do.." 
,After 2 hours of teaching me i finally got it she was like "OMG I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THIS DUMB!",i laughed and said
"Hehe sorry.." ,anyways i finally did it!
Drum roll please...hah you thaught i confessed well i passed all the test thanks to emily, starting to think of it, we are getting really close like Besties besties
I told my friends that i like her but they just ignored me, oh well, but..one of them did say this today "you should tell her now i mean it has been 1 year.."
And i was like hmm that is true, 4 weeks later i confessed i can't belive what she said..s-she said she liked me too!!!
EEEEEEEEKKKKK,IM SCREAMIN LIKE A WILD MAN I WAS SO HAPPY and we became the most popular couple in school i really cant belive it finally! After one year i did it! Turns out we were made for eachother moral of chapter one never back down never what!? NEVER GIVE UP!
(This is a love story btw:>)

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