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A/N: I am so sorry for the late update! I had an issue with my wi-fi and I could not update this story. As such I am giving you all a double update this week. I hope you enjoy it!


As Bruce, Jason, and Tim lounged around the breakfast table in the cozy warmth of Wayne Manor, the smell of a mouthwatering English breakfast filled the air, teasing their senses and putting smiles on their faces. Alfred, the ever-graceful butler, glided around the kitchen, dishing out hearty portions onto their plates.

Bruce's plate was a feast for the eyes and stomach, piled high with crispy bacon, juicy sausages, perfectly cooked eggs, and a hefty serving of black pudding. On the side, there were baked beans, plump tomatoes, and earthy mushrooms, all topped off with a slice of golden toast and some fried bread. Each sip of his hot coffee made Bruce grin with contentment, relishing the simple pleasure of a satisfying meal.

Next to him, Jason opted for a more refined choice, reaching for a cup of fragrant Earl Grey tea to complement his breakfast spread. His plate mirrored Bruce's. After a moment of appreciation for Alfred's culinary skills, Jason dove into his meal, savoring every bite and sip, the warmth of the tea soothing his soul.

Meanwhile, Tim eyed his plate with a mix of hesitation and longing, knowing he had to face the challenge of finishing it. Unlike Bruce and Jason, Tim struggled with his appetite and tended to eat sparingly. The sight of the full plate before him filled him with a sense of trepidation, but he knew he couldn't disappoint Alfred, who had put so much effort into preparing the meal.

Tim's journey to healing and self-discovery had been a real rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists, and turns. For the longest time, he'd been carrying around this heavy load of baggage from his past, all the stuff his biological parents put him through. It was like this big, dark cloud hanging over him, but he never really talked about it. Instead, he put on this front like everything was okay, like he had it all together.

But as time went on, the cracks started to show. Tim found himself getting sucked deeper into this dark hole, and it was getting harder and harder to climb out. Thankfully, he had his family, especially Dick, who was always there to lend a helping hand and push him in the right direction. Dinah and Harley had tried to help, bless 'em, but their approaches just didn't click with Tim. Then surprisingly came Dr. Beth Chapel, aka Dr. Mid-Nite, who often provided medical and psychological support to the Justice Society of America, and something just clicked. She had this way about her, this warmth and understanding that made Tim feel safe and seen.

In their sessions together, Tim opened up about things he'd never even told his closest friends. He realized that a lot of his issues with food and self-worth came from his messed-up childhood, from feeling unloved and unwanted. But Dr. Chapel helped him see that he wasn't defined by his past, that he had the power to rewrite his story and create a brighter future for himself. So, there he was, sitting at the breakfast table with his family, feeling grateful for how far he'd come.

Taking a deep breath, Tim picked up his fork and began to eat, albeit slowly at first. Each bite felt like a small victory, and with each mouthful, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't deny the comforting taste of the food, and soon he found himself starting to enjoy the meal. With gentle encouragement from Alfred, Tim continued to eat, his pace gradually picking up as he became more accustomed to the flavors. By the time he finished his breakfast, he felt a sense of pride in himself for overcoming his apprehension.

Jason leaned back in his chair, looking around the table. "So, where's everyone else?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Tim paused, taking a gulp from his second cup of coffee before answering. "Steph's pulling double duty today. She's helping out at the clinic with Dr. Thompkins before heading to her classes at Gotham University."

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