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Author pov.

After he heard Minghao's words, he was kinda bewildered. Why does everyone hate his Dage? What is the mystery? Wangji thinks about getting more information.

"Why everyone hates him?" He posed his question with an air of innocence as if driven by genuine curiosity rather than the intentions of a spy.

"I don't know, but there are many rumours about it. After the Great War, Lan Xichen vanished. Many people thought he killed the future heir of the realm." Minghao uttered as he yawned and lay down in the shade of a tree.

"It can be rumours, what if he is innocent?"

Minghao raised his eyebrow at Wangji's question.

"Why are you acting like he is your family? It would be better if you mind your business, and now the young masters of Třaśhā, if they heard that name, they will kill you." Xu Minghao utters nonchalantly.

Wangji wants to inquire more but he doesn't want to show that he has an intention. He was quiet for a while, then he asked with a frown.

"Btw what are you doing here?"

"Because my pretty asshole, I am also a useless shit like you"

Wangji rolled his eyes and uttered.
"Bish, Don't call me useless. You are as useless as your dick, which does nothing... I bet, your dick would be a virgin. Poor dick, it got an owner like you."

Minghao almost choked over the air. Wow! He thought he was the only savage one, but this pretty asshole is more than him.


Both twin brothers are so worried and searching for Wangji like a crazy madman.

After knowing, that Wangji is the rebirth of their mate. They feel a wave of protection and possessiveness toward Wangji.

At last when they weren't able to find him. They return to the castle. Their faces are upset. Yanli saw the condition of her brothers and utter

"Don't worry! Wangji would be fine."

Both twin brothers nodded their heads with a sad face.

"Gege, If you don't mind, can we ask how you know Wangji is your mate." Asked Lusi, who was silent till now.

"His mate Marks showed up suddenly when I was with him" Wuxian uttered.

"But isn't that bastard killed him with úrfâņ sword? Then how can he be reborn?" Cheng asked with confusion.

The queries mentioned above often lead to widespread confusion, as the silence that follows seems to reverberate throughout the entire room.


"I am hungry!!!" Wangji whines, as his tummy makes a weird sound

Minghao opened his eyes and uttered sassily.
"Then drink my salty milk if you are that much hungry."

Wangji makes a disgusting look. Gosh, this man is shameless.

"You better eat your ball with your salty milk" Wangji uttered and rolled his eyes 🙄

Minghao laughed but then his face turned serious and he uttered,
"I can help you to find your brother."

Wangji's eyes widened in shock as he tried to hide his expression.

"What are you-?"

"I know, Lan Xichen is your brother and I promise to help you."

"But why will you help me? Don't you guys hate my brother?"

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