Chapter 7

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It had been almost two months since Caera and Arthur began their training with Grandma Sylvia. Sylvia had been helping both of them get accustomed to their new bodies, and now she was also teaching Caera how to use magic, much like she had done with Arthur. Thinking back, Arthur realized how much he missed using his mana core. Caera was close to mastering magic. He had a feeling today might be the day she succeeded.

Caera was showing real potential with fire-type mana. Snapping out of his thoughts, Arthur noticed that Grandma Sylvia had finished helping Caera and was now approaching him as Caera meditated. As soon as she was a few feet away from him, Sylvia erected a sound barrier around them.

"Grandma, what's so important that you had to put up a sound barrier?" Arthur asked, curious.

"It's nothing too serious, little Art. I just want to keep something a secret from Caera," Sylvia said with a soft smile.

"I didn't tell you this in the previous timeline because it didn't seem necessary, and it might've put you in danger. But now, you're strong enough to handle that risk. Plus, I want to give Caera a gift."

"You probably didn't notice back when you were living in the cave with me, but there was another asura not too far from where we stayed."

"What?! Why didn't that asura attack us? If it was that close, it must've known you were there!" Arthur blurted out in shock.

"She didn't attack because she was an ally of mine. The asura I'm talking about was a friend. She helped me when I fled from Alacrya and made my way to Dicathen. But she was injured—worse off than I was. Now, listen carefully to what I have to say..."

"While it saddens me to use my friend this way, I don't think she'd be upset. After all, she'll benefit from this too. As soon as you and Caera return to the past, find her. She will be a great help to Caera. Tell her I sent you and explain the time-travel situation. She'll understand, and it will help you both in the future."

"And another thing—it would be wise for you to go to Alacrya using Tempus Warp and explain everything to Seris. She plays a crucial role in the future, as you know. Seris will be confused and worried when her student suddenly disappears, so clearing that up quickly is important," Sylvia explained.

"I understand, Grandma. This will definitely help Caera, and you're right about Seris. She could help cover for Caera while we're gone," Arthur replied thoughtfully. Sylvia nodded and dispelled the sound barrier.

They walked over to where Caera was still meditating. Just as they reached her, she stood up with a proud smile on her face.

"Grandma! Art! I did it! I can control mana now, just like you, Art!" she exclaimed, rushing over to pull them both into a hug.

"Congratulations, Caera, dear," Sylvia said warmly.

"Yeah, congrats, Caera," Arthur added, smiling.

"Shall we take a little break now?" Sylvia asked, to which both Arthur and Caera nodded in agreement.

Over the past two months, Sylvia had been training Arthur to use aether more efficiently while also teaching him about the different branches of aether. She made sure to keep their physical training rigorous as well. Because of the influence of aether, both Arthur and Caera had reached the light orange stage of mana within these two months.

Although Arthur wanted to grow stronger as fast as possible, he followed Grandma Sylvia's advice and decided to take things slower, enjoying life more this time around. He wanted to spend more time with his family and with Caera. With the training from Sylvia, the knowledge he had gained, and the pace at which both he and Caera were improving, Arthur felt confident that they could eventually take down an asura on their own when the war started. He figured he could handle a low to mid-ranking asura by himself, and Caera would be able to take on a low-ranking one as well. She might get hurt, but nothing life-threatening.

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