Black Hole x Reader

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Off topic but after tpot 7 i started hating bh and it made me PISSED when someone shipped him with Tree because he was my favourite and i didn't want him to be with a character I hate.
Now I think bh is okay, but i still don't like astrobotany :P
(trottle better‼️ also aroace blackhole is canon i'm cary and i said so.)

Requested by @neptuneontop thank you!!

-Gender neutral O/N (they/them)
-O/N can defy physics at will ;3
-Takes place after tpot 10 BUT before they take Tree out of the canal, like kinda between...? Yeah.
-Also i made O/N's personality a bit carefree but in a not totally dumb way? Like they know about danger but like to mess around with it.
Also they're VERY honest.


Black Hole floated above the canal, wary of the height he took above to not suck up the water.
He had just visited Tree who was still stuck in some giant form.
Of course, Black Hole felt guilt.
His reluctance to break the pact was hurting his best friend. It would be easy for him to put Tree out of his misery, but... the pact kept him from acting.
Besides, it was partially his fault if Tree was even in this state.

Even knowing Marker and Fanny were working to get him back to normal, his feelings of regret did not falter.

Black Hole reached the shore again, a bit less cautious of the height he floated at now. It was night time and there was barely anyone to speak to or anything to do.
What would a black hole even do for fun? Suck things up? Kill?
If Black Hole had an actual physical body, he would have shuddered in disgust at the thoughts.

A voice snapped him out of these grim thoughts.


"Ah! O/N, you startled me. Don't stand so close to me."

"It's okay, what's possibly gonna happen?"

O/N did not back away, smiling at Black Hole. Were they stupid? Totally oblivious to the danger they were openly dismissing? Black Hole took some safety distance himself.

"...Anyway, why are you out here so late?"

Black Hole inquired. O/N shrugged, still smiling carelessly.

"Couldn't sleep. I'm guessing you were visiting Tree?"

"Yes. He must be lonely in that canal."

O/N stepped closer again. The proximity was terrifying to Black Hole, he backed away again.

"O/N, are you completely braindead?! I-i'm sorry, but keep your distance, please. This is for your own good"

Black Hole sounded a bit panicked. He tried remaining calm, though he would hate being used as a mean of suicide. Why had he been conceived only to kill?!

"Whyyy? I swear it's fine. Besides if i die, why not just recover me?"

O/N took a few more steps towards the celestial object, who put distance between them again.

"Are you suicidal? O/N, stay away! ...Also i don't have fingers to enter your name on the rc. I couldn't recover you."

"But i want to be closer to you! And just ask Fanny to do it or something."

A look of mischief painted itself on O/N's face.
They stayed still to make Black Hole think they understood and wouldn't get close again.
As soon as they were both immobile, O/N suddenly ran at Black Hole.
He didn't have time to react, and just prepared himself for the pained screams of O/N as they got spaghettified (A/N : that's the actual term.) and totally crushed.

Instead, nothing happened. O/N calmly stood worryingly close to him, still with that stupid carefree smile.

"H-How are you doing that?! How are you not-"

"It's a secret! Isn't it cool?"

O/N came even closer and sat on the sandy shore of the canal. They pat the ground next to them, gesturing for Black Hole to lower himself next to them.

(like this.)

"Are you not gonna explain to me how you can just

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"Are you not gonna explain to me how you can just... deny gravity? O/N, you must be made of negative mass or something, because how is this even possible...?"

"I have no idea how I do it either. But isn't it nice? That's one less person to worry about accidentally sucking up."

O/N was well aware of how paranoid Black Hole was with the whole "preventing death" thing.
They honestly thought it was stupid; Death could easily be reversed and forgotten, why bother stopping it?
The object kept the thought to themself. Black Hole had his view on the matter and it was none of their business.

Though he wasn't usually the most talkative, Black Hole was unusually quiet.

"What's wrong? You're not saying much."

"...I feel like a killing machine, O/N. I destroy against my own will, and i'm... i'm the result of death. When a star dies and it explodes and... the whole supernova thing happens... It's like death is in my core, no matter how much i try to run from it and prevent it."

His usually flat voice has a tinge of despair in it.
O/N wasn't the most well versed in astronomy, but to their knowledge, when a star died and exploded, it turned into a black hole if an enormous enough amount of mass got packed into a tiny enough volume, creating a gravitational pull blah blah... They had heard all that from Tennis Ball.

O/N collected all they could remember from TB's crazy spacey rant to cheer up Black Hole. They had no idea if they were correct and just wanted their friend to be happy.

"Well... you can give life too. Your accretion disk has such high density of matter it's like a nebula and it can give birth to so many stars! Isn't that nice?"

"...I didn't think of that."

"Besides, you're just fascinating! You're twisting the minds of so many researchers who want to understand how your kind works, you're an incredibly complex concept! That's something to be proud of, isn't it?"

"...Yeah. I guess it's not so bad being just... a singularity."

His flat tone was back to normal. Black Hole had never wanted to have a physical body this badly, just so he could hug O/N.



Also if i remember well, the person who requested this has some upcoming exams :3 best of luck on them!

Next oneshot is Microphone x reader requested by @KyakoGaaden

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