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Today was the day that Dylan and Taylor would be leaving to continue Taylor's tour in the US.

Taylor had left Dylan's house early to get the rest of her things from her hotel room that she had abandoned after getting back with Dylan.

Meanwhile at Dylan's house she was running around her house in a panic. She couldn't find Lexie's cat carrier. At first she was going to leave her pet with her brother but Lexie hadn't seen Meredith and Olivia in forever, so the brunette knew she had to reunite them.

Dylan's suitcases were sat waiting for her at the front door as she checked every cupboard in her house looking for Lexie's carrier, but it was no use. She sat down on her bed and sighed at the mess surrounding her.

Lexie jumped up onto the bed beside her, meowing as she snuggled into her arm,

"I don't think you can come Lex," she sighed

And just as she was about to stand up from her bed, her phone rang.

She looked at the caller id and seen that Taylor was calling her,

"Hey are you almost ready?,"

"Hello to you too love," Dylan chuckled at her sudden greeting, "I am, but I can't find Lexie's carrier,"

"It's on your kitchen counter,"


"I put it on your kitchen counter this morning,"

"Wait so I have been running around the entire upstairs of my house looking for it and it's been in the kitchen all this time?"

"I guess so," Taylor laughed

"Okay, well I'm ready now," Dylan said as she quickly got up from her bed and ran downstairs

"Okay we'll be there soon,"

"Okay Tay, love you,"

"Love you too,"

Dylan let out a sigh of relief when she caught sight of the carrier sitting on her kitchen countertop.

She quickly made her way over to it and set it on the couch, prompting Lexie to go inside,

"Okay I know you don't like it but once we're on the plane you can get out," Dylan said trying to bargain with her cat

You would think that Lexie knew exactly what Dylan was saying. The little grey cat meowed at her owner before climbing into the carrier.

"That was easier than I thought," Dylan chuckled to herself

The brunette sat down on her sofa and waited patiently for Taylor to arrive at her house to pick her up.

So to pass the time she decided to send a message into a group chat that hadn't been active in a long time. One thing about Dylan? She loved her chaotic friends.

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