1 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚

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Like every day, I woke up earlier than everyone else. I left my room and started my way to see if my sister was awake as well. I knocked but nobody answered, I guess she was still sleeping so I decided to go to the rainbow room.

As I walked in I saw him.

Henry, was in the room putting the chess game together, i walked closer to him when he noticed me without even turning around.

Henry : "already awake?"

Y/n : "you know me"

He kindly giggled, and he looked at me as he was standing up, and he walked closer to me.

Henry : "how did you sleet tonight?"

Y/n : "always the same"

Henry : "still the same nightmare?"

Y/n : "yeah..."

It's already a few weeks that I have the same nightmare, and Henry was the only one that knew about it.

I remember dreaming of a room, full of people that I don't know...I remember a curly boy, always wearing a cap, a guy with nice brown hair, a black boy hugging a red headed girl, a girl with curly hair and a tall guy also with curly hair but he had long hair, and he also had a night t-shirt, I don't remember what it said, but it had a face of a demon. I see them talking, thinking of how they will stop "it", still don't know what or who, and then...I see them laying and screaming, covered in blood in this sort of place full of red fog, begging and screaming my name, again and again.

Henry : "you should go to your room, soon papa will come and wake up all the others"

Y/n : *I nodded as I smiled at him*

I left the room and got to mine, waiting for papa to come and open the door.

5 minutes later, I heard knocking, I opened the door and it was papa.

Dr. Brenner : "morning 013"

Y/n : "good morning papa"

Me, eleven and the other got to the rainbow room, as papa told us that we would be right back to tell us what we were going to do today.

I saw Henry once again and I started walk towards me.

Y/n : "hey"

Henry : "hi"

Y/n : "do you know what we are going to do today?"

Henry : "yes, a test, to see who is the strongest"

Y/n : "again??"

Henry : "yeah, I know it's boring, immagine me that I have to only watch"

Y/n : "i'm sick of doing all the same things" *I crossed my arms to my chest*

Henry : "you're already know that your going to win, that's why you are already bored"

Y/n : "oh shut it"

Henry : *giggled as he looked away*

Papa got back in the room and we all got in line.

Dr. Brenner : "so, who is ready for some training, ten, will you open the door and start going to the fighting room, all the others after him, the last one will be 013"

Weird...I was never last before

As every body walked out the rainbow room papa walked next to me.

Dr. Brenner : "I just wanted to let you know that today you will not be fighting against the others"

Y/n : "really? why?"

Dr. Brenner : "because we both know that you are going to win"
*he looked at me*

Y/n : "then what will I do?"

Dr. Brenner : "consider it today like a day of, Henry will stay with you if you want, if you don't want you can stay alone"

I turned around and looked at Henry that was already smiling, he knew that I wasn't going to fight today.

Y/n : "sure he can stay with me"

Dr. Brenner : "wonderful" *he stopped before entering the fighting room, and he turned around to me and Henry* "she will stay with you Henry, do whatever you want, stay in your rooms or in the rainbow room, i'll see you two later" *he walked in the room closing the door behind him"

I looked at Henry smiling and he smiled back.

Henry : "where you wanna go?"

Y/n : "idk, to the rainbow room ig"

Henry : "come" *he grabbed my hand and we started going back*

I felt something weird...when he grabbed my hand, a strange feeling, it made my checks blush a bit...

We entered the rainbow room and we set down in the couch.

Henry : "so, about that nightmare-"

Y/n : "omg henry no please, I don't want to talk about it again"

Henry : "I know, but hate seeing you every morning with black eyeshadows under your eyes"

Y/n : "it's not my fault if I cry while dreaming"

Henry : "did I said that?"

Y/n : "Henry please, just no, is already stressing waking up and thinking about all the screaming, let's talk about something else please" *I crabbed his hands*

Henry : *He looked at my hands and looked at me again* "what do you wanna talk about then?"

Y/n : "idk, wanna play at smth?"

Henry : "If you want to"

I could see that he was a bit angry, I know he cares about me, when I touched his hands I could fell the fact that he was worried.

We started play chess when papa got in the room saying that is was lunch time.

hey guys, this is the first chapter, tomorrow I will post the second one, and put the star of you liked it ⭐️
hope you liked it 🥰🩷

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (ʜᴇɴʀʏ/001/ᴠᴇᴄɴᴀ x ʏ/ɴ)Where stories live. Discover now