2 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡

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Finished lunch I went to my room, when I heard knocking, I opened the door.

Eleven: "hey!"

Y/n : "oh hey El, come in" *as she came in I closed the door*

Eleven : "why you wasn't training today?"

Y/n : "papa told me not to"

Eleven : "maybe he finally understood that you are the strongest" *she smiled*

Y/n : *I giggled back* "who win?"

Eleven : "002..."

Y/n : "hate him, always thinks that he is the most powerful and important"

Eleven : "omg ye, I can't believe how he grow up that bad"

Y/n : "I wonder how was 001"

Eleven : "me too, papa doesn't want to talk about him, never"

Y/n : "what if papa is scared of him?"

Eleven : "could be"

We heard knocking...again...

Y/n : "who the hell is it now-" *as I opens the door I stopped talking*

Henry : "well thanks for the hospitality"

Y/n : "god sorry Hen, come in" *I closed the door*

Henry : "hey Eleven, didn't know you where here"

Eleven : "In can go if you to want sono privacy"

Y/n : "huh?"

Eleven : "I mean...if you two wanna stay alone...together..."


*Henry opened his eyes wider*

Eleven : "...I can go if you want" *she smiled*

I started blushing, OMG EL?! really?! come on.

Y/n : "out. of. here. now."

Eleven : *while se was opening the door* "I knew it"

Y/n : "ELEVEN"

Eleven : "see you guys later" *while closing the door behind her back*

Y/n : "omg..." *almost whispering*

Henry : *he turn at me looking at me surprised*

Y/n : "what?"

Henry : *he nodded his head while looking at his feet to hide the small smile on his face*

Y/n : "sorry for her"

Henry : "it's fine"


While I set down I thought about what Eleven said...what if...I mean no, I just like spending time with Y/n, she is the only one with my age, and that knows me well enough, well almost knows me.

Y/n : "I heard at lunch that papa is going to have a test on me, you know what i'm talking about?"

Henry : "..."

Y/n : "Henry, hey? you there?"

Henry : "huh? ah yes I know about it" *i got lost in thought*

Y/n : "who am I fighting this time?"

Henry : "nobody, it's a test about your abilities" *I said it while standing up

Y/n : "what? for what?"

Henry : "he told me not to say anything, but trust me, you are going to pass it"

Y/n : "I hope?" *she smiled at me*

Henry : *I smiled back* "I guess i'll go, papa ask me to help him preparing the test for you" *i walked closer to the door and that opening it* "see you later"

Y/n : "same"

Henry : *I closed the door behind my back and I started going to the testing room*

I actually didn't know what her test was about, Dr. Brenner just said me that he needed me for something.

As I walked in the testing room I saw Dr. Brenner sitting in front of a desk, on the other side of the desk there was another chair, and on the desk there was a paper with something written on it and a device for the reading of the frequency of the radio waves of the head.

Henry : *I closed the door behind me and I looked around the room confused*

Dr. Brenner : *he turned around and looked at me* "oh finally Henry, come sit"

Henry : "is everything ok?" *while I walked closer to the desk and then I set down*

Dr. Brenner : "well yes, put this on your head, remember how it works?" *he handed me the devise*

Henry : "yes" *i putted it on*

Dr. Brenner : "so, you must be thinking why are you here"

Henry : *I nodded*

Dr. Brenner : "as I told you earlier, today 013 will take a test...on you"

Henry : "i'm sorry?"

Dr. Brenner : "she will sorta have to guess who you are, without of course seeing you, you will be in the next room as her, and you'll going to see a memory that I choose you to see, and while that, she has to try converting your feeling about that memory into other feeling"

Henry : "and what memory are you talking about?"

Dr. Brenner : "you'll see" *he took the walkie-talkie and said* "send 013 to the room next the testing room, we will start the test soon" *he smiled at me*

hey guys, this is the second chapter, I'll soon post the next one, get ready, and put the star please!! ⭐️
hope you liked it 💋

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (ʜᴇɴʀʏ/001/ᴠᴇᴄɴᴀ x ʏ/ɴ)Where stories live. Discover now