Chapter 1: Silent Tremors

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It was a beautiful day out in the streets of Japan. There was a peculiar looking man walking down the street that caught the attention of many. The man in question was wearing a black jacket along with a black ski-mask covering his mouth, nose and a dark blindfold covering his eyes. His brown hair was styled upwards.

The was walking his hands in his pockets, seemingly care-free. Suddenly there was a small earthquake. Then a large creature came out of the ground. It had a large build, could be called fat. It's dark grey and scaly skin indicated it was a form of reptile. This was confirmed as it's reptilian head peered down at the man, it's massive red eyes fixated on him and him alone.

The people around scrambled and ran away screaming. The beast roared, it's hands fostered a pair of 5 sharp claws which it used to swing at the man. The man simply dodged out of the way and the beast's hand smashed into a nearby store, completely demolishing it.

"I don't have time for this."

The man said as he reached into his jacked and pulled out a sword. It's handle was nice and smooth and it's blade was completely dark. The name of the sword was encraved into the blade. 'Death's Sigh'.

The beast roared again and swung at the man with it's other hand. However the man stood still and swung the sword upwards, then the beast completely stopped. Silence filled the air for a moment before the beast's body started sliding apart. It had been cut straight through the middle, going from it's lowest to it's head. Blood splattered everywhere as it's internal organs fell out. It's abdomen gracefull hitting the floor.

The man stood there for a moment and swung the sword again, making the blood fly off the blade before putting his sword back into his jacket. He was surpisingly clean but the streets and buildings around him were painted red.  It seemed like he could see through his blindfold. The man then heard a voice from behind.

"Wow Kyoto, you made quite the mess this time."

Kyoto turned around and saw a caucasian man with long white hair, neatly styled into a bun at the back of his head. His yellow eyes stared Kyoto down. The guy was wearing a brown trench coat and had a bag of chips in his hand.

"Hey Byakuya, good to see you."

Kyoto said as he walked over to Byakuya placing his hand on Byakuya's shoulder.

"You are all dressed up and neatly groomed. Who are you trying to impress huh?"

Kyoto asked while chuckling a bit. He then reached down and snatched the chip bag out of Byakuya's hands.

"Hey you bastard! Give that back!"

Byakuya said as he reached to steal it back but he was blocked by Kyoto's hand. Despite being rather tall at 185 cm he was still smaller than Kyoto who stood at 193 cm. These two often fought over the smallest things and teased eachother without end but they were very close.

"So tell me, what have you bee-"

Before Kyoto could finish his sentence he heard a explosion behind them. He quickly turned around to see a massive worm-like creature eating through a skyscraper. Kyoto just sighs and Byakuya had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Welp, that's our problem now."

Byakuya said as he rushed down the street towards the beast. Kyoto stood there for a second longer analysing the beast. "It's probably a D-Rank beast. It doesn't seem that big of a threat however it could still cause troubles." Kyoto thought to himself as he put the chips into the pocket in his jacket.

"Of course this happens when I can't afford therapy."

Kyoto said to himself as he rushed into battle, staying closely behind Byakuya. They quickly neared the beast but before they could jump into battle it literally exploded into a pool of blood in front of their faces. Both of them just stood there for a minute trying to process whar just happened. Then a girl landed in front of them in the typical super-hero pose. She then got up and smirked.

"You slow-pokes couldn't arrive in time. That's why you have me. The great Aria!"

Aria Callisto had emerald green eyes and long red hair styled into a ponytail that ran down her back. She had a white combat dress on. She also wore the cockiest of grins. Kyoto and Byakuya mumbled something inaudible under their breaths as they either face-palmed or pinched the bridge of their noses.

"Great. Of course we had to run into her of all people." Byakuya thought to himself. His expression that of annoyance and frustation, neither him nor Kyoto liked her. Infact they hated her with a burning passion.

"Hey jackasses! You should be happy to see me!"

Aria exclaimed as she pointed a  accusatory finger at them, she sounded annoyed and was quite the bratty character.

"Yeah totally, we are so happy to see your self-entitled and narcissistic self."

Kyoto remarked as he mockingly threw his hands up waved them a bit back and forward.

"What was that you little shit? You want to fight?!"

Aria leaned in closer, her eyes filled with rage. She couldn't allow anyone to hurt her ego like that.

"Maybe I do. What about it?"

Kyoto also leaned in closer, their forheads practically touching however unlike her, his voice was low and threatening.

"Now, now let's not fight."

A feminine voice spoke and a sweet smile accompanied it. She adjusted her golden ponytails and approached them with a very sweet but nervous smile.

"Oh hey Rameera. Glad you're here."

Byakuya spoke as he immediately cheered up. Rameera was the morale of the group, they would have lost their minds by now if she weren't there. Kyoto also looked over and moved away from Aria as he walked over Rameera. Kyoto had completeld forgotten about Aria's existance which sent her over the edge. She started screaming and tugging at Kyoto's jacket but he continued to ignore her as he spoke with Rameera.

"Glad you're here. I'd assume Mizuki would also arrive shortly if you're here."

Kyoto spoke, still ignoring the rat that was tugging at his jacket.

"Y-yeah. He'll be here shortly."

Rameera smiled nervously as she watched Aria completely lose her shit and throw a tantrum.


Before Aria could continue her tantrum Byakuya karate-chopped her in the back of the head which knocked her right the fuck out.

"Jesus, shut up already."

Byakuya said calmly as he picked up her unconcious body. Soon another figure arrived, Mizuki. He was dressed very modestly in a plain black T-shirt and jeans. Though it really complimented his muscular physique. His messy brown hair and sharp jawline really complimented his body.

"Yo. Sorry I'm late."

Mizuki said as he scratched the back of his head. He was more of a country bumpkin so he didn't like the cities. Especially not in Japan for whatever reason.

"Guess we're all here. That means we can head back to base and rest for a little. I wasn't expecting two monsters to just appear out of nowhere. I fear that Toyko is becoming unsafe. We must stay vigilant."

Byakuya said with confidence in his voice, hoping to boost team morale by a little. With that they all went back to base.

Next Chapter,
Chapter 2: Unexpected Visitor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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