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CREEPING OUTSIDE OF THE, room, she scrunched her face up at the smell that lingered throughout the small home, and she wasn't sure she could stay anywhere near the room, but at the same time her curiosity was killing her, and she wanted to know exactly how the man died. She didn't see Kenji was the kind of guy that would have a temper tantrum either, so this really struck her as a big thing, and although she'd noticed the obvious red flags, this one seemed to be glowing right in front of her face, so she definitely didn't want to miss that at all.

Y/N pulled her shirt up to her nose and inhaled, but to her dismay, the smell was all too strong, she just wanted to vomit right there, but no. She just knew she had to keep staying strong for herself. She told herself that if she was going to live with a psychopath, she was going to have to get used to these things, even if she really didn't want to.

Low gagging sounds erupted from her throat as she walked right up to the door she was told to stay out of, and soon enough her hand was shooting out towards the door knob. She placed her hand against it, a sour expression over her face before she pushed the door open and quickly allowed her hand to drop back up to the top of her shirt. The smell was much more worse, she actually began staggering backwards, her breaths getting even faster from the fear and disgust that combined together.

After a few more seconds of struggling to properly stand on her feet, the H/C haired teen then shook her head and straightened herself up, tears prickling in the corners of her E/C eyes as she began walking up, her heart practically freezing just from the sight of the corpse that laid on the ground. That's when she completely held her breath, realizing how pale the body was already getting. She didn't know she would already be face to face with a dead body. She didn't even know how to handle it.

Her mind was in a haze as she just stood there, shifting in her stance and looking from one place to another over the dead body. She felt so guilty seeing him like this, and she heard herself forgiving him for all the bad he'd done to her in her mind.

Glazing her eyes over to his neck, that's when she paused for the fiftieth time, her heart breaking at the next thing she'd seen. There was a dark purple and red that went around his neck, implying that he had died of suffocation. She couldn't really tell if it was from Kenji's bare hands or if it was from something else he could've used. She was too far from him to tell, and she didn't want to find out. All she could do was silently sob, her tears that were once filling up her eyes now sinking down to her cheeks.

She really thought this was no way for someone to die, no matter what kind of person they were. She started shaking violently, wondering if there was anything she could've done to prevent this.

There wasn't even a hint of disbelief inside of her mind because she was seeing the body right there in real time, so that caused her heart to ache even more. She couldn't doubt it at all. She couldn't understand why she scared herself. There was nothing coming together. She was just blaming herself, her mind becoming all scrambled in the process. She couldn't even imagine how he felt in his last few seconds, and she was afraid of what would happen to her if she didn't escape.

Whimpering and sobbing to herself, the girl then backed away, her hand now slipping down over her mouth. She didn't even care about the smell anymore. Danny was practically unidentifiable, and that only made her feel much more worse. He had black eyes, dark colors all over his neck, cheeks, forehead, and even his chin. He barely even had any of his own hair. There were chunks of it that were ripped out. Kenji made sure not to miss a single spot, and it was all because of her. There was also dried up blood underneath him, causing her mouth to part in fear and even animosity. She hated the fact that he just left him there, lying in his own blood.

But yet, there wasn't anything she could do now. He was gone. His life was completely stripped away. He didn't have a future, his family would never see him again, his friends would never see him again, and there was nothing more left of him. By now, she was hyperventilating, unsure of what to do next.

Contemplating to herself as she darted her E/C eyes everywhere around the corpse, that's when she lowered them, her heart continuing to sink inside of her body as she sluggishly put her hand out, giving it a quick and gentle push before the sound of the door shutting hit against her ears.

But out of nowhere, she couldn't help but break down. She collapsed onto the floor, her sobs becoming more vocal than all of the others. Her mouth parted as she cried out, and she couldn't help but let out loud and long wails. She didn't know what she was feeling. She couldn't even tell if it was grief. But that didn't matter at the moment. She was too focused on the situation she was in, and she didn't know how she was going to get out of it. Someone died because of her.

Follow my second account in case i get banned on hereee!! It's ZOMB1EEEE

Follow my second account in case i get banned on hereee!! It's ZOMB1EEEE

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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