Chapter 1

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I walk into 5th period just before the bell rings. My seat is right in front of the door . Nobody ever talks to me in this class so I'm happy about that. The teacher walks in and starts talking in his slightly monotone voice.. I grab my notebook and starts drawing . I love to draw I always have. Suddenly I heard the teacher yelling at some kid. I look up to see who because he's always yelling. Only to see a tall curly haired boy who had just walked through the threshold of the class .. All the girls in the class start to giggle and talk amongst themselves. I on the other hand push my glasses back into place and start to drawl again.. The boy walks right behind me lightly touching my back. I try my best not to visibly shiver as sparks of electricity coarse throughout my body. I glanced over my shoulder at the boy who seems not to notice me. That's fine I think to myself. Why have I never seen this boy before? I think.. He must have just moved here. It's just after Christmas break and I'm ready for school to be out. I start to daydream again and I only realize I'm not paying attention to class when the teacher yells at me.
"Figgins! What did I just say?" He calls me out.
Flustered and embarrassed I look at him through my glasses. Silently pleading for him to drop it. No chance!
"Um. "
I try to think. Nothing!
"I don't know sir."
I say honestly.
"I'm sorry"
He just looks at me. He doesn't go to far into ridiculing me because he knows what I go through every day.
At the end of class I start to gather my things. Only then do I realize that the boy who I have never seen before is staring at me.
I push my glasses up onto the bridge of my nose and I see that we are wearing the same shirt. I look down at the floor and exit the class room. The boy following me. I trip slightly and I start to walk faster.


In my room with my door locked and my music playing loud in the speakers I'm trying to get his eyes perfect on the paper. I take a break from drawing his face and work more on his hair.. I can't seem to get this one curl just right and it starts to make me mad. I take a break all together and go out front of my house and light a cigarette. I shakily take a drag from it and I feel a little less stressed. I finish it and I go back inside.
I smile when I walk in and see the picture where I left it..

It's amazing how I only got a few glances at this man and I already know ever crinkle and line in his perfect face. I fix the curl finally and start working on the eyes again. I grab a brown and a green colored pencil and start my work shading his perfect green -brown eyes.

I smile at myself when I'm done and I hang my new favorite picture on my wall so I can look at it as I'm falling asleep.

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