Three O'clock Grind

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"I'm heading out!" I yelled.

"Where do you always run off to at 3 in the afternoon?"

"I just like to go for a walk." I shrugged. It wasn't entirely untruthful.

"But it's like clockwork." I looked at my brother.

"I hadn't noticed." I shrugged again which was probably making me look suspicious.

"Okay." His demeanor changed. "Make sure you are home before 5. We got business." He stared me down.

"Fine." I sighed. I was a little annoyed they always paid such close attention to me but I tried to be understanding about it all. We weren't exactly under the radar like we used to be. I grabbed the car keys and got in the car. As the garage door opened slowly I looked at my phone feeling like time had passed by fast. I wasn't even close to being late. I drove carefully down the shitty street dodging as many potholes as I could until I was on better roads that's when I started driving carelessly. I was swerving through traffic to get there as fast as I could. Even though I wasn't going to be lat I was eager to arrive. I pulled into the correct plaza and parked. I pushed my white sunglasses up on the bridge of my nose as I stepped out of the car. I looked around paranoid to make sure no one was noticing me. It wouldn't have been a huge deal if anyone had caught me alone, but I couldn't be seen here. I walked into Grinds and waited behind an old lady with a furry purse matching her unnecessary furry jacket. It was almost 100 degrees outside in National City, California. No one needed to be wearing all that fur.

"Welcome to Grinds. What can I get for you?"

"Large vanilla bean frappe." I pulled some loose cash out of my pocket and set it in her hand.

"Five, twenty-six is your change. What's your name?" She had a Sharpie ready to write on the cup.

"Matt." I looked around to see who was in the shop.

"We'll have that ready for you shortly." I stepped aside. The door rang to signify a new person entering the building. I whipped my head to see a California mom with two kids coming in. I frowned not being able to hide my emotions.

"Matt!" I stepped up to grab my coffee and heard the door again. I looked at the door just as they were handing my coffee out and I missed grabbing it. I immediately looked at the mess I had caused on the counter.

"I'm so sorry. I'll make you another one."

"I'm sorry it was my fault. I -"

"We'll make you another one." She was polite about it. It was clearly my mistake though. Once the mess was cleaned up I looked around and saw her. Her brown hair was stuck under a bag strap on her shoulder. The same bag she always carries. Today she was wearing a green top. It was short enough to show her belly button but had long sleeves hiding her arms. There were little clear buttons on her chest, and a few of them weren't clasped so the top of her chest was almost peeking out. She was breathtaking. I stood off to the side and watched a few people get their coffees before my remake. She finished ordering and moved to be standing next to me. I caught her smell. It was rosy and definitely something from a bottle because it was strong. As she waited for her drink she unlocked her phone. She didn't try and hide her pass-code so now I knew it. 03-12-05. It was most likely her birthday, and if it was it would mean she was 19. Two years younger than my brothers and I. She finished texting someone back and went into her music to change the song. She had one headphone dangling down the front of her and the other one was in her ear. Her nails were painted but not lengthy and fake. She looked like Spring. I shook my head and smirked toward the floor with that thought.

"Matt. Again I'm so sorry." She apologized more.

"Really, it was my fault. Thank you." I was nice as I took the coffee. I couldn't tell if she was listening or not because she was behind me but I wanted her to think I was a nice person. I went and sat down in my usual spot. It's the only seat where you can see the whole cafe. There were a few mirrors to help with that on opposite walls but other than them it was a clear shot. I pulled out my phone and smiled. She was here every day around 3 in the afternoon. She always sat at the same table with a plug-in for her laptop. I have been working on the nerve to say something to her but I haven't yet. I'll get there I just need more time to find the right words. My phone started buzzing on the table and I quickly picked it up before it drew too much attention to me.

"What Chris?" I groaned knowing it was something stupid.

"Just checking in." He sounded mischievous.

"Can you hear anything?" Nick was background noise.

"Shhh." He shushed him. "How's it going?"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you up to?"

"About to be coming home since my brothers can't leave me alone," I said harshly and hung up. I looked around and saw her already sitting down and using her laptop. I've thought about just asking what she is typing, or what she is drinking, to try and start a conversation but somehow the hypothetical conversation that follows always circles around to how I have been watching her for months. Then it gets creepy and she hates me. I laid my head down on the table and pulled out my phone to see Nick and Chris both texting me. I locked it before they sent the messages. My phone buzzed. Then again. And again. I always enjoyed coming here and watching her. It was peaceful. Now I was being bothered because they finally took notice of my timely absence.

I stared off in her direction again. She looked so focused as her freckled nose scrunched up a little bit. She then vigorously tapped the backspace button, I'm assuming. I loved watching her twirl her curly hair into knots while she sat thinking about her next words. She would sip her coffee every time she got an idea and then would start moving her fingers fast across the keyboard. I sighed stood up and pushed my chair in. I knew Nick wasn't going to be happy if I was late tonight so I might as well be early especially if I wasn't going to talk to her this time. Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow.

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