22/ Repeatin' accidents

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"Man... If I can't be in the Spelldrive tournament, then what's even the point anymore?" Grim sulks as he sits next to you on your training mat with his head down. "Still ain't over that Grim?"

You sit crisscross on the mat with your chest heaving up and down, you had just finished working out until he approached you. 

"What's wrong, Grimmy? Something got ya down?" A ghost appears next to you as he looks at Grim who continued sulking. "He's sulkin' because he can't play in the Spelldrive tournament." You tell the ghost.

"If you wanna play Spelldrive that badly, why, we can play with ya! I was the team captain ninety years ago, y'know. The girls in the stands couldn't get enough of me!" One of the ghosts exclaim proudly as you almost spit out the water you were drinking, ninety?!

"Yeah, but wouldn't we need seven people?"

"It's not a real match, so who cares? Let's just play!"


Two hours had gone by and you were having a small break from the game, the ENTIRE time Grim had bossed you around so you were running all over the place.. not gonna lie, even for you, it was exhausting.

"Good day. Playing some Spelldrive?" Crowley asks, appearing out of nowhere as Grim rolls his eyes. "Aaand here comes the Fun Police. There goes my good mood, right down the drain."

"I'm pleased to see you're all getting along. Quite pleased indeed." Crowley smiles. "Yeah, they just keep comin' back anyway. Might as well get along, I guess." Grim sits next to you on the ground.

 You take this chance to give Grim some of your water and look up at Crowley, "Did you want somethin', or...?"

"I have a request to make of you both. Why don't we take this inside?" He suggests and walks over to Ramshackle without hearing your protests.

"Aw shucks.." You stand up and put your hat back on, making your way over to Ramshackle and snatching Grim up in your arms along the way.

You enter Ramshackle and take a seat on the sofa in the living room, clearly seeing the dust come out of it but paying no mind as you put down Grim next to you. Crowley deciding to stand up since he doesn't wanna become dirty.

"Seriously? MORE requests? I ain't a part of your janitorial staff anymore, y'know!" Grim complains as Crowley smiles. "Oh? You DO recall that I never promised to cover the living expenses you've been racking up, yes?"

"Hard work can be a beautiful thing, Grim. I'm sure you agree, Y/N."

"Are you threatenin' us?"

He clears his throat before continuing, "I'll get straight to the point. There has been a rash of students being hurt in suspicious incidents on campus lately. I'm here to ask you to investigate the matter."

𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐬𝐦 • various!twisted wonderland x applejack!readerWhere stories live. Discover now