Story Title: RWBY: Apocalypse Remnant of the Powerful Army
Symptom: A lone and orphan boy named Kalen was suddenly transmigrated into the world of remnant. A.K.A, RWBYVerses. However, He hated RWBY and the characters too. But he suddenly given the abilities to summon his own army, Including the powerful characters in his system. How will the kingdoms and 2 sides react to this powerful faction.
Story Title: Emesis Blue: Private Detective Gaone in the Nightmare
Symptom: Private Detective Gaone. A.K.A, A black kitsune, Investigated a Slaughterhouse incidents happening since in 1960s. The Detective Gaone went back in time and find out what happened to the incidents. However, What he has found will enter the dream or......... a nightmare.
Story Ideas Pt.1
ActionAfter my story idea 2024 got deleted, I'm making a new one I hope. Also, I couldn't find the cover. so here's this one.