The incident

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Aphmau look at the book in front of her. Travis's voice sounded rushed. She quickly place her hand on the cover, and poured her energy into it. Bright light spread from its pages, melting the snow around the group. She looked to Lucinda, then a wave of faint fell over her, and her vision went black. 


Laurence was focusing on his shadow knight form, hoping to gain better control. No matter how hard he concentrated, nothing seemed to happen. Aaron had been sitting near by, but when Laurence opened his eyes he didn't see the dark figure. He decided to go looking for him, Aphmau had been talking to Lucinda for a while now.

As he opened the door he spotted Aaron against a tree. He had just looked up and met Laurence in the eye when a bright light filled the sky. They both grabbed their swords and took of towards the source. As they ran they could hear Lucinda screaming. It wasn't till they got closer did they understand what was being said. 

"APHMAU!!! NO!!"

They broke into a clearing, just as Aphmau hit the ground. Laurence pressed Travis against a tree, his sword to the now purple skinned boy's throat. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Laurence growled

"Laurence...." Aaron tried to get his attention

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" He pressed his sword deeper, creasing the skin.


"SHE OFFERED TO HELP!" Travis yelled back

"BULLSHIT! YOU MADE HER! I KNOW YOU DID!" Laurence could see a thin, dark red line along the blade of his sword. "I WONT ASK AGAIN WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"LAURANCE!" Aaron screamed, Laurence had never heard him sound this urgent. He turned around, and felt the blood leave his face. The look Aaron had, an emotion that never appeared on his face. The only emotion he had scene from the mystery man. 

"She.. She's not breathing..."The emotion was fear. Not fear of something, but for someone. His next words were slow, filled with sadness.

"She's gone cold" 


Aaron felt darkness fill the world. He watched as Laurence's form changed, warped, into something darker. Rage on his face, he body grew larger. Aaron could hear bones cracking under the pressure. Behind Laurence, he could see Travis. Now shaking, he stared at him. No, not him, her. Travis's eyes could not leave her. He backed away, stumbling.

"no.. not it wasn't supposed to... I didn't mean to--"

Laurence threw him back. His head hitting the ground hard. Travis scrambled to get away from him. Blood stained his right arm. There was fear in is eyes, now looking at Laurence.  His voice trembled.

"I- I didn't mean to... It wasn't supposed to go like this..."

Laurence grabbed his collar, lifting him in the air. "Save your pitiful excuses. You will pay for this."

There was a load crack, followed by a light.  Laurence went down, dropping Travis who took the opportunity to scramble away. Lucinda stood above them. Her staff in her right hand glowed, then dimmed. Her breathing was heavy, and she looked terrified. Lucinda turned to Aaron, her hair falling in her face. She had rushed forward so fast that she had dropped her hat. 

"she... no.. she cant be.." Tears filled her eyes. 

Aaron look down at the woman in his arms. With every minute her body grew colder. Her face was pale, but relaxed. Serine even. She did not look this calm even sleeping. He laid her back slightly, and place his ear to her chest. Listening carefully for anything. He held his own breath. Trying to find the faintest sound. Nothing met his ears.

He lifted his head and looked at Lucinda. She let out an ugly cry before falling to the ground. Weeping. He looked around yo find that Travis's eyes were once again fixed on her. He was muttering something. He entire body was shaking with fear. Aaron wrapped his arms under Aphmau, pulling her to his chest, Before standing. He did know what he was supposed to do now. Other the years he had seen many people die, but this one hurt worse. He hadn't felt this way since Lilly had passed. He feared what that could mean.

How was he supposed to tell Levin and Malachi? They had just gotten their mom back. Dante would lose his mind, after waiting all those years. Laurence, having already lost some part of himself, Would loose his world. And what of Garroth? Doomed to be forever stuck in the Irene dimension. Never knowing what had happened to his love.

Before he knew it he was back in Pikoro. The guards stared at him. Hallie ran out from her home, and rushed over, placing a hand on Aphmau' s forehead.

"No... no no no. What happened? How did this...." She had not known aph long, but was still able to understand her presence in this world. She ushered them inside, and motioned for him to place her on the bed. He set her down gently, placing her arms gently to each side. He felt himself falter, and stumbled into a near by chair. He could feel darkness seeping into the world. Through the door, he could see Lucinda and Travis carry Laurence inside, placing him on the could. Both fell into opposite chairs. They looked dead inside. Hallie skimmed her shelves, muttering to herself. 

"Hallie.." Lucinda whispered. "Hallie... there's nothing we.."

"I know I can find it. " She was frantic. 

"Hallie. " Aarons voice felt hoarse. "She's gone. "

"TOME OF RESERECTION!" Hallie threw the book on the coffee table. Lucinda and Travis lurched forward, scared by the noise.  "Itll take a alot of power, and will drain us for weeks. Maybe even... It should work." 

"Hallie" Lucinda looked  at the book. "The amount of power this would take... Plus we might not even revive her. What if another soul takes hold?"

"We have to try. " Travis croaked. "For her.."

A subtle agreement rolled amongst the crowd. They gathered around the bed. Hallie began reading from the tome, as Travis and Lucinda placed their hands on her shoulders. Aaron placed a hand on Travis's shoulder. He wasn't sure what that was going to do, but maybe he could soften the blow a little with what ever tiny power he has, if any. Light poured over the room. Spilling from the page. It washed over Aphmau, bathing her in a glow. A slight weakness filled Aarons body. However, he could tell the others felt much worse.

"Did- did it work?" Travis whispered.

Everyone watched closely with held breath. After a short time, Aaron moved to the bedside. He place the back of his hand on her cheek. It was still cold. Kneeling next to the bed, he listened for signs of life. Still, nothing.  He felt himself fall against her, his knees folding under him. He could hear Lucinda crying again. His heart sank. There was truly nothing to be done. 


Eventually Aaron felt everyone had left the room. His hand had slipped into hers. Her fingers were cold. It stung his skin, and yet he didnt want to let go.  He hadnt felt this close to someone in a long time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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