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A u t h o r 's p o v

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A u t h o r 's p o v

Shivika stood on the balcony while her hands held a warm cup of tea which spread its warmth making her palms warm as the cold breeze of november hit her body sending a shiver down her body. Her eyes fixed on the moon whose light enlightened the dark sky while her mind was captivated with that certain someone's thought.

Atharv's thoughts captivated her messed-up head as she stared at the moon blankly. Her life was messed up. Her heart was messed up. Her mind was messed up. She was a mess these days. The mixed feelings in her heart and the harsh memories of her drastic past filled her mind, making it difficult for her to think of anything.

His picture flashed in front of her eyes while her lips automatically spread themselves upwards as the mere thought of his smile made its way through her mind moving from left to right like a film tape.

All the moments they shared, those mesmerizing eye contacts, those high-pitched beatings of her heart, that feeling she got when she looked at him, the warmth she felt when he was near her. Everything played in her mind as a videotape while a calm smile danced on her cherry lips.

Those eyes who stared at her ever so lovelyly, flashed in front of her wet orbs as a warmth grasped her aching heart. Her thumping mind was feeling at ease while thinking about him. His one thought was enough for her heart to feel complete. Even a mere picture of his, in her mind, paced her heart.

Her heart whispered very many unknown feelings in her way but she couldn't focus on any of those because how her mind would flash his images from different angles which her eyes captured. She felt warm inside. Her heart felt the warmth that it had been craving since forever.

But was this also temporary?

Was it something that was going to leave her broken, too?

Slowly the warmth in her hands faded while her mind focused on his thoughts. Her tea was getting cold, its warmth was fading with each passing second. Her eyes which were focused on the moon till now, moved towards the cup as a sigh escaped her lips.

The sigh held the disappointment of her life. The sigh that held the ache of her insecure thumping heart. The sigh held the result of the connection that was building within the two's hearts - love.

The result she knew would break her all over again. The result which will leave her a soulless living person with no heart, again. The result which held the filthy darkness that grasped her life - the darkness of being unlovable.

An ache grasped her heart making it uneasy about the fact that everything in this world was always temporary for her. Whoever she has loved till now, has always left her alone in the middle. So was he too temporary in her life? Will he too go away from her one day? Will her being a bad omen to her loved ones affect their brooming connection as well?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄Where stories live. Discover now