4 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ p.1

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I was shocked, I kept screaming.


Dr. Brenner : "013, wait, calm down first"

I still had tears in my eyes, I really couldn't believe it, I never saw Henry angry or negative, it couldn't be him.

Y/n : "i'll be calm when i'll see him."

Papa looked at me and took me to him, he was exactly where I thought he would be, the room next to mine, the room behind the huge glass wall.

When I saw him I ran to him, he was sitting on the floor, when he saw Dr. Brenner, he started looking at him with disgust and anger.

Y/n : "Henry, hey, look at me!"

He looked at me in the eyes, I felt again at feeling, but not now, I had to know the truth.

Y/n : "was it really you?"

He didn't answer and he looked up at papa.

Henry : "why? tell me WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"

He stands up with anger and he took Dr. Brenner by the neck and dragging him to the wall.


Henry : "you don't know what your talking about y/n"

Y/n : "Henry, let him DOWN"

He continued looking at papa with anger then he let him go.

Henry got out the room and he started going to his room, and I followed him.

Y/n : "Henry! Stop please!"

He turned so quickly around that I didn't even know what to do, he dragged me into a small room, it was the cleaning room.

Henry : "what."

I looked at him without saying anything, I wanted to wait 'till he was calm, so I could talk to him.

Y/n : "was it really you?" *I looked at him in the eyes*

Henry : *he looked at his feet*

I took his face and made him look at me.

Y/n : "was it?"

He looked down and he rolled up the sleeve of his right arm, then he looked back at me.

Y/n : "001...h-how is it possible"

Henry : "what you saw was all true, I was different than the rest of my family, the rest of the people that I knew, when we transferred in that house I started understanding that I wasn't the problem, but the others, I learned how to use my powers, and ended douse that didn't mean anything. But it almost killed me, I fainted and when I woke up, papa found me, and I became 001, but when he understood what my true powers were he putted me a chip, here" *he took my hand and showed me where he had it* "he made me prisoner, Dr. Brenner is not what you think he is"

He let go my hands, and I didn't know what to say...a part of me was scared, and the other one was more impressed than afraid.

Y/n : "why didn't you told me earlier?"

Henry : "I couldn't, pap-"

Y/n : "don't call him like that."

Henry : "he tortured me and forced me not to tell anyone of me being 001, but I still don't understand why he wanted you to know"

Y/n : "because he thought that i'd be on his side" *I looked down*

Henry : "are you?"

And there it was, that feeling again, what was it? I felt again weird, something happens to my stomach, like if something broke inside me and released a sensation of...love?

I looked at him, and I didn't actually know what to say, of course I wasn't on Dr. Brenner side, but I couldn't say anything for that feeling.

Henry : *he looked down and started to turn around* "I get it"

Y/n : *I grabbed his hand pushed him over me and made him look at me again, I looked at him in the eyes and without thinking I kissed him*

I pulled back after four-five seconds, instantly regretting it.


I made a step back, I saw him looking a me and I looked quickly down.

When he stepped closer to me, he grabbed my waist with one hand, and with the other one he leaned on the wall, kissing me again.

I kissed him back and after a bit he leaned back and looked down while biting his lower lip.

I didn't know what to do.

Y/n : "I guess i'm not on his side" *I looked at him*

Henry : *he looked at me and smiled back to what I said*

Y/n : "I think I should go back to my room"

Henry : *he took of his hand off from the wall* "I have to come too?"

Y/n : *while starting to leave the room, I turn around and giggled* "for now you better not"

Henry : "i'll see you later then"

Y/n : "course you will" *I licked my lip, then turned around, opened the door and started walking towards my room*

hey guys! liked this chapter?
lol, I hope you did.
soon next one, put the star please!! ⭐️
bye 🩷🫶🏻

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (ʜᴇɴʀʏ/001/ᴠᴇᴄɴᴀ x ʏ/ɴ)Where stories live. Discover now