5 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ p.2

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I opened the door of my room, and I closed it behind me.

I sat in front of the door from what had happened, I couldn't believe...I had the fucking butterflies in the stomach.

I am so glad I did it, I'd never knew that he likes me back, omg, my cheeks are so hot, i must be red geez.

He is such a good kisser though.

Why the hell I left from that cleaning room, what do I do know? I'll go to El I guess.

I got up and opened the door, left my room and I closed the door behind me.

It's so...quiet...weird, I started going to Eleven's room when I heard screaming again and again...what a hell was happening.

I started to follow the screams...were the other kids screaming? The screaming was very louder than before and then it stopped.

In front of me there was the door of the rainbow room, I opened it and...there they were, all covered in blood, number 005, 006, 007, 008, 009...almost all.

I heard the door open behind me, I didn't what to turn around, but I kinda knew it was him.

He grabbed me from the back, I could see him hands covered in blood around my waist and I felt his head and my right shoulder.

I felt awesome, I was is love with him...but why...why did he do that.

Y/n : "why?"

Henry : "because"

Omg no...

Y/n : "where is my sister Henry"

Henry : "I didn't touch her"

Y/n : "then where the hell is she?!" *I turned around and looked him in the eyes*

He was covered all blood, but he still was so fucking hot.

Henry : "she's in a safe place, don't worry" *he grabbed my waist and smirked at me, then he kissed me*

I kissed him back, but I wanted to see my sister, I know that he would never lie to me, but why did he let her go if he killed all the other?

Henry : *with one hand he grabbed my face and pulled away the kiss, then he smiled at me*

I could heard the door open, I look at the door and I saw Eleven, thank god.

I ran to her and she started crying.

Eleven : "wh-what happened?"

Henry : "I asked you to wait."

I got up and I looked at him confused as he walked closer to Eleven.

Henry : "don't cry, don't cry them, after everything they to you, don't be scared, I was once scared too" *he looked at me and while he walked closer to me* "I know, what is like to be different, to be alone in this world" *grabbed my face with one hand* "like you two, I didn't feat in with the other children" *while talking he looked at both of us* "something what wrong with me, all the teachers and the doctors said I was broken"  *he then started walking slowly in the room, looking at the dead bodies on the floor* "my parents taught my senior year could have started in Hawkins, it would cure me, as if it was different here. But then, to my surprise, our new home provided a discovery, I founded a sense of propose. I found a nest is black widow living inside a vent, most people fear spiders and detest them, and yet I founded them endlessly fascinating, more than that I founded a great comfort in them." *he stopped walking and he gave as his back* "Like me, they are solitary creatures and deeply misunderstood, they are gods of our world, the most important of our predators, they lived bringing balance to our ego system *he turned around and looks at us* "but the human world was disrupting this harmony, you see, humans are unique types of creatures that live by poisoning and killing our world to expand them selfs, a deeply unnatural
structure. Where others saw order I saw a strait jacket, a cruel, apprehensive world depicted by made up rules, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, each life has to be a copy of one before, wake up, eat, work, riproduce and die." *he started walking towards us slowly* "everyone in just waiting and waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible day after day. I could not do that, I could not close up my mind and join the madness, I could not pretend..." *he stopped in front of me* "...and I realized I didn't have to, I could make my own rules, I could restore my own balance, being a predator, but for good." *he looked at both of us* "as I practiced I released that I could do more that I possibly imagined, I could reach into other, into there minds, that memories. *he started walking again slowly in the room* "I became an explorer, I saw my parent as they truly wore, to the world, they pretend them selfs as good normal people, but like anything alse in this world it was all a lie." *he looked back at us* "a terrible lie. They had done things, Y/n, Eleven, some awful things. I showed them who they really wore, I helped them a mirror. My father thought it was a demon, perceiving him, but my mother somehow knew that it was I that was holding up the mirror, and she despised me for it. She called a doctor, and expect, she wanted to lock me up and fix me, even if it wasn't I who was broken, it was them, and so she didn't left me no choice, to break free. Each life a took I grew stronger, more powerful, they where becoming a part of me, but I was still a child, I ended up my limits and it really killed me, my father was arrested for the miser of my mother and my sister just liked I planned, but I was far from free. I woke up from the coma, and I founded myself in the hands of a doctor, a doctor I always hoped to escape from, Dr. Martin Brenner, papa, but the truth" *he came back near us and stopped in front of me once again* "the truth is that he didn't want just to study me, he wanted more, to control. Papa finally realized that he couldn't control me, he tried to recreate me. He started a program, and soon, other will born. You two were born." *he took my face with one hand* "And i'm so glad you two are, so glad" *he saw Eleven looking at the bodies, he left my face and turned around* "there not done" *he looked at her again* "there still with me...in here" *he indicated his had with his finger*

Eleven : "y-you triggered us."

Henry : "trigged you? no, I saved you"

As I saw him reacting to what Eleven said, I could fell his anger...

Henry : "you two are prisoners here, just like me" *he started looking at both of us again* "to papa you are nothing more then an animal, a monster, a lab rat to be tested, but the truth. The truth is just the opposite. You two, are better then there are, superior"

Eleven : *she started crying slowly again and she looked down*

Henry : "and it's why you are frighten in there" *he looked at me in the eyes* "but if you came with me, you'll be free, for the first time in your life"

I looked at him in the eyes, and even Eleven looked at him.

Henry : "immagine what we three could do together, we remake the world, the make it however we want, we'll safe it" *he took my hands and looked at me*

As I thought...

Eleven : "no." *she pulled back him to us*

Henry : *he got up and took her, making her levitate*

Y/n : "NO HENRY" *I got in front of Eleven and I blocked him with telekinesis*

Henry : "Y/n..?"



I started crying...I wanted to join him, but there was a small part of me that said me that it wasn't the right thing to do.

Y/n : *with both hands I pushed him away*

Elven fell on the ground, I checked if she was ok but something dragged me back, he dragged me to him.

Henry : *he took my face with both hands* "why are you doing this? I know you want it, I can see it now, please, don't leave me, not now."

Y/n : *I put my hand to a side of his face and he leaned his head* "I-I can't...Don't do it please don't" *a tear dropped from my eye* "I-I love you."

Henry : *he first kissed my forehead, then my lips* "I know you do."

He made me and Eleven faint with his telekinesis.

And then...

hi there guys, sorry for the long dialogue, tomorrow i'll publish the next chapter.
put the star please!!⭐️
hope you liked it, thanks for reading 💋❤️

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (ʜᴇɴʀʏ/001/ᴠᴇᴄɴᴀ x ʏ/ɴ)Where stories live. Discover now