1. Prologue: Meeting

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It was a hot summer day in 2010... Everyone was out either at the beach or somewhere around the city eating ice cream. Yunho however was alone at home, not wanting to move. He had the air conditioner on to keep himself from sweating. Oh how he hated these type of days. Too hot for him to be outside, but not having anything else to do... Conclusion, it was pure torture.

Yunho was laying on the couch skipping through the TV channels. The series or the reports by news outlets weren't even interesting. That one channel however got him hooked. It's was some kind of show where interviewers meet young people with natural talents. The child in question was presented as a young model. He was tall, with handsome features...

He's so cute!

This was the only thought that came across his mind.

At that exact same moment however, he was disturbed by the phone ringing. He waited a few seconds but finally got up to get the phone.

"Hi mom! Why are you calling? "

"Hello my darling! Am I disturbing something?"

"No don't worry I was just watching some kind of TV series"

"Oh alright... Anyway... You know that one transfer student who will come to your school starting next month? We'll I coincidentally met his mother here in town. Her son is also there. Believe me, he's such a cutie! "

"... I believe you but mom... It's really hot outside... I don't wanna sweat to death like you!"

"Hey come on... Please!"

"... Fine... But only if you buy me my favorite ice cream for me to eat during the rest of the holiday! Oh and I also need a looot of water, cause I'm literally dying here!"

"Hehe alright got it~ Meet us at the usual Cafe. See you later then! Bye, love you!"

"Bye mom, love you too"

After the call, Yunho got ready by slipping inside his shoes, grabbing for his keys, phone and headphones and went out, locking the door behind him.

After a few minutes, he arrived at a bus station and waited for the next bus. Fortunately, the bus arrived not too long after, so he got up and went inside.
A few stops later, he got out of the bus, still having his headphones on, and started walking again.

Once he reached the Cafe, he took off his headphones and started looking for a familiar figure. Soon enough, he located his mother, not paying attention to the two other people beside her. However, when he got a little closer, he took a look around his mother only to find the same child whom he saw on TV earlier that day, accompanied by another women, who seemed to be the other boy's mother.


Soon enough, he was seen blushing by his mom, who just gave him a little knowing smirk to tease him. Yunho then looked away, back to his mom to make her do the introductions.

"Ahemm... So as you know, this is my son, Jeong Yunho. He's 11 years old like your son. Yunho? This is Song Mingi and his mother Song Eunae. Mingi is almost the same age as you, he was born in August."

"H-hi Mingi... I'm Yun-Yunho"

It was quite rare for him to stutter. But what did you expect? To just be able to speak normally in front of someone so good looking? Impossible.

"Hi Yunho-hyung! Nice to meet you!"

The younger now gave the brightest smile one could ever imagine, which immediately made Yunho's heart flutter.

WAIT... No no no no noo WHAT IS happening to meee!!! There is literally NO WAY I'm falling for someone I saw for the first time an hour ago! Pleaaase~~~

"S-sooo... I heard you're transferring to my school?"

"Yup that's right"

Again, he was struck by the younger's positivity and immediately loosened up.

"since when are you here?"

"we actually moved in here around a week ago. We lived in Japan before, so it was a bit hard finding a school who still accepted students... And yours was the only one that did!"

"OH MY GOD, I LOVE JAPAN! I would literally kill to go there! It would be like a dream! Anyway, what did you like to do there?"

"Well, I am quite an artistic person... Like, I model a bit... And dance a bit too!"

"Wait, no cause I saw you earlier today on TV! I think you're really awesome!"

"... and cute", he added quietly.

Mingi however heard this last word and let out a little chuckle.

"Thanks~" Mingi said softly with a sweet smile on his face.

After a while, it was time for both parties to go to their respective homes, promising to meet each other again.

When they arrived at home, his mother looked at Yunho with a little smile, happy about her son's newfound friend. However when she tried to speak to him, Yunho just ran into his room, blushing and grabbing a piece of paper, a graphite pencil and an eraser.

Once Yunho arrived in his safe zone, he tried his best to picture every feature of Mingi's face and searched on Naver for a picture of his new crush. At the next moment, he tried drawing him. His first few drawings resembled more of a potato or a cloud than anything else... But he didn't give up. He repeated the same process for almost 4 hours, until finally he managed to get a somewhat resembling drawing.

Too immersed to notice his mom looking at him with an adoring look, he contemplated his first ever artwork. Of course, the drawing wasn't very professional, but he was still somehow satisfied with how it came out. His mother, impressed by the motivation and this newfound talent, secretly took a picture of Yunho for her to keep preciously.

As such, it was determined that this day would be unforgettable for Yunho.


That's it for the very first chapter!!! Tell me your thoughts :) To be honest, I didn't think I would post the first chapter that soon.

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