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Character name: Daniela (Danni)

Date of death: 1949

Cause of death: Car bomb

Race: former human- sinner demon

Age: 30's (biological)

Orientation: Pansexual, Somewhere on the Asexual spectrum.

Arackniss (older brother)
Angel Dust (Younger brother)
Molly (fraternal twin sister of Angel)
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother

Danni is a short spider demon at only 5’4, She looks similar to Angel Dust enough so to get mistaken for him (she got mistaken for him in her human life a few times too, their mother often said they could have been twins had she been born the same time as him.)

She has white fur with greyish pink accents (Unlike angel's brighter pink) She's busty for her height and has the same heart shape on her chest as Angel but grey in colour, her arms have the same stripes as angel but are a charcoal grey and white. She has a fluff of bangs similar to angels but her hair is long and fluffy in the back she often keeps it tied back in a high ponytail, her hair is a mix of  mostly white with pink and greyish pink accents. Her face is petite and more feminine than angels (if that's possible) with pouty lips. She has long thick eyelashes and her eyes are dark-red sclera, bright-red irises and thin black pupils. She has the same tiny eyes underneath like an Angel.

She often wears crop top shirts either t-shirt style or tank top style and crop top hoodies with ripped black shorts or a skater skirt with fishnets and black combat boots. More of a gothic look and wouldn't be caught dead in girly colours.

Was an Interagator for the mob in her human life and enjoyed torturing and killing people, Was nicknamed the Butcher in the crime syndicate world.

Even as a child, if anyone hurt her siblings she would torture the bullies often getting expelled from schools.

That's all your getting cause other details are spoilers to future chapters.

*****Story starts here*****

I had been searching all over hell for my family since I arrived here. Being blown up by another crime family wasn't in my plans. But here I was a semi powerful spider like demon searching for my baby brother. I found my father and idiot older brother Salvatore, or Arackniss as he went by here in hell and they hadn't seen nor heard from Anthony. At first I worried that maybe he had been exterminated by those sick sadistic angles; after all he always was the more sensitive and submissive member of our family and I was always having to stand up for him when our father was angry. He always tried to take everything out on his flamboyant son while Sal got away with everything. Anthony was always our mothers favourite child and our fathers biggest disappointment and while I loved all my siblings equally, Anthony was the one I felt the most protective of.

Sal was a dick no one messed with and Molly Anthony's fraternal twin was such a sweet girl that everyone she met loved her, so no one ever messed with her. Anthony however was seen as weak and submissive especially when he ended up addicted to drugs. Months after his death I found out about the real reason he became an addict, let's just say those men met a very slow and very painful death which in turn resulted in my own demise.

I sighed  for the billionth time having searched yet another part of hell with no success. When some creepy man stopped me in the street mistaking me for some porn star named Angel Dust I finally got a lead on my baby brother.  The man apologised when I threatened to skin him alive and showed me the porn magazine he was holding. Sure enough there was Anthony on the cover with a cock in his hand dripping cum into his open mouth.

“Oh for fuck sakes Anthony.” I whispered to myself disappointingly.

It took me a few weeks to find out where the porn was being filmed and who was in charge. When I discovered that he held my brother's soul I became enraged; I knew people like Valentino back in my human life, they loved to pray for people like Anthony. I knew he'd be Charming and manipulative at first to hide his domineering, abusive, and narcissistic self; he'd offer safety, and all the substances one could ever want.

I decided either Valentino signs over Anthony's soul contact or he'd die a horrible death by my hands. When I finally got my first look at Valentino knew instantly that he was a fuckboi, powerful and handsome demon yes but fuckboi none the less. He was a very tall slender moth demon but I knew under that big coat were some muscles. He had greyish-lavender skin and cerise-pink eyes. He wore gold-rimmed, heart-shaped sunglasses with cerise-pink lenses. His mouth was full of sharp, cerise-pink coloured teeth and a single golden fang that sits to his far left tooth.  His clothes looked like a typical pimp attire; Red coat puffed up fur like collar, the hat and all.

He had a second set of arms, but that wouldn't be a problem for me as I had my own second set of arms.  What I wasn't expecting was that his coat was actually his wings.

Infiltrating the Vees tower was a hard task but after bribing/Threatening the city archives staff I found the blueprints to the building and planned my route. Luckily I’m short at only 5’4” and small, most demons don't even notice me. I stick to the shadows avoiding the numerous cameras that litter the place and find my way to Valentino's private living space.  I knew the place would be empty; I made sure to watch his every move for weeks. Tonight he'd be at one of the clubs he owns. He'd be there until he found a new innocent victim to molest.

I studied his living space, planning out the best way to attack. The whole living space was a disgusting pink colour and portraits of himself littered the walls. His bedroom was off to the right and had many locks on the doors.

The bed was a giant pink heart shape with pink and black heart shaped pillows. Like i said, everything was pink and/or heart-shaped with white and black stripe accents

I checked to see where he had weapons hidden. He had engraved guns hidden under the coffee table and in his night stand as well as his little weapons cabinet. I'd make sure to remove those before executing my plan.

The next part of my plan was to figure out a way to not be influenced by the red smoke Valentino tended to blow in people's faces. I figured out it was a pheromone when I got a sample of the love potion they were selling and tried it on myself. It made sense he was a moth demon after all. The hardest part was getting some of that smoke to test out the mask I had created. It was a black steampunk themed gas mask with spikes and skulls on it.

I disguised myself with a black wig and make up and sat as close to Valentino's table in the night club as I could, breathing as much as I could. After a few hours I called the mask a success and moved on to the next phase of the plan, the ambush. Luckily for me the kinky bastard already had rigging in the ceiling that I could use to sting him up with.

I waited for him to leave for his club and then snuck in, found and removed all weapons then set up my kit which included a sedative in a syringe. I just hoped it worked on him because he could probably over power me without it.

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