Nothing to see here

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Hey y'all a quick author notes all these characters are owned by solarballs! and this is just a warning to people who might not like subjects containing potential self harm and deep conversations about suicide if you need help reach out to friends,family or a health line number anyways enjoy!

Currently I'm writing in my diary, enjoying the silence. still a bit sad about my moons though I wonder why I had to say those things about my rings and how I wanted to destroy them to make them bigger, I wonder if I should apologize. Ugh no they probably don't wanna see me..
Suddenly I hear someone coming to me it happens it be Neptune

"Hey cousin!" Neptune says in a cheery obnoxious tone

"Why do you always call me cousin, you know what nevermind that but um what's up Neptune I don't really see you that much anymore lately?"

"Oh it's because of my orbit it takes me 165 'earth year's' to make a full rotation and I'm pretty far from the sun hehe"

"Wow... Neptune that's seems like a pretty alarming time alone dont you think?"

"Nah I'm fine, anyways! Byeeeeee"

As I watch Neptune leave I wonder what has happen to him he spends so much time alone he's gone kinda insane... Last time I saw him was since me and Saturn looked for him.. anyways back to my diary. (From now on if you see this ' it's being sarcastic or the words from Uranus's diary)

'today was pretty weird I mean like the gas giants are pretty normal and the rocky planets are quiet not as usual though.. but today even though I haven't done anything I've felt exhausted, more tired, more.. depressed. I don't know why I feel this way.. I don't know why I need help bu-'

Before I finish writing I hear my name being called I look over to see who


I see that it's Saturn and Jupiter are waving for me to come to them I wonder why they want me to go over there

"Okay, I'm coming I'm coming chill out"

As I come over there I feel the atmosphere change like they want to talk to me about something I get chills down my core before I know it I'm about to reach Jupiter's orbit where the two are at I take a big gulp and go to them

"Hey guys... Soooo what do you need"
"May me and Saturn have a talk about your diary please?" Jupiter asks in a stern voice

OKAY this is part one I DID OVER 400 words!! thanks for reading this chapter if this seems familiar I'm inspiring this by another author who made something about this but I'm not snatching the whole story just the part where they wanna talk but anyways I hope you enjoy this!

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