Prolouge: the prophecy

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It was a soft and quiet night, as most people. would be asleep during this point, in time but not for some animals especially cats.
Most cats, where up during this point in time since they where creatures. of the night but then there where animals, that where asleep ones like foxes bears or some cats not all cats stayed up.

A brownish she-cat, with green eyes. would have sat on a rock "Fernstar" a voice would, have mewed out into the darkness. "yes acornpelt?" Fernstar, would have mewed to her friend. "why are you just siting, out. in the darkness?" Acornpelt, mewed.

"Oh no reason, my friend" fernstar, said sternly. "but why, are you out late. at night as well?" Fernstar, had asked.

"You don't need, to worry about that either my friend." fernstar had also said "have you; gotten anything from. the lost clan yet?" Fernstar would have said worried, for her fellow clan for it being lost forever.
"No I am afraid, not I'm afraid they might be gone forever but our medicine cat. has told me that he's been getting strange prophecy's; from a clan up in the clouds." Acornpelt, would have said to Fernstar.

"Hm I see well; tomorrow I expect to talk to him about these visions or prophecy's. he's been, having maybe there from our fallen comrade." fernstar would have said "StarClan, was a strong clan I am sure they didn't. go down that easily." Fernstar would have mewed

"Fernstar what if they did fall though?" Acornpelt would have mewed "I AM FOR SURE THEY DIDN'T FALL ACORNPELT" Fernstar, would have snapped at her she was for sure that there friends. clan didn't fall.

"Look I apologize, for snapping at you I am just worried for our friend. and leader, of these clans." fernstar would, have said apologizing for her anger.
"It is quit Alright, but I do tell you to go to our medicine cat for help. for your anger, issues." acornpelt, would have mewed.

"Alright, I will do that." Fernstar had said "but, if there is a chance that StarClan. did fall I will say it to the other clan leaders, in the next gathering." Fernstar would have said

"But Fernstsr what; are we going to do? We don't have any more food. for nexts winter we need new apprentices most of our warriors, or either queens or there in the medicine den getting healed. we only have like 3 apprentices, and good StarClan knows there not ready yet." acronpelt would, have said.

"I do; not know what we will. do but I will figure, out something" fernstar, had said. "anymore; news acornpelt?"

"Yes" she mewed; unfortunately. "but, you are not going. to like it fernstar." acornpelt would, have said nervously. "Well what is it acornpelt?" Fernstar had asked curiously
"MarsClan, wants to have some of our territory. to hunt in an-" "WHAT!?" Fernstar would have shouted out  "THEY WANT TO USE, OUR TERRITORY EVEN THO THEY. KNOW WE ARE FIGHTING, TO SURVIVE ENOUGH AS IT IS." Fernstar would have shouted

"I know but the leader of marsclan said it was urgent and-" acornpelt had said "acorn, pelt you and I both know they are doing just fine with mice. and foxes they have food enough to survive, them throughout generations upon generations. what on EarthClan, could they possibly. be wanting, more territory. for!"
Fernstar, would have snapped again they where doing not the best at territory. wise they barley had enough mice and kits, where dying left and right.

"But I did get a prophecy, from the stars in the sky and from a full moon itself from. our medicine cat if you want, to hear the good news." acornpelt, would have said. "Well what, is it acornpelt?" Fernstar had said "a star from, the night lit sky. will come, and aid you in your clan. and save it from, ruined."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2024 ⏰

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