Masks and Motives

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On a rainy morning at the ASU-NARO headquarters, Dr. Kagehara Nanami was diligently working in his workshop. He was meticulously crafting a new doll that was designed to surpass the capabilities of its predecessors. With practiced precision, his slim, bandaged hands expertly connected wires and tightened screws. At that moment, the door slid open with a whoosh, and Dr. Emiri Harai entered with a tall man with green hair, both wearing smiles. "Dr. Nanami, I hope you're not occupied. I have someone I'd like you to meet," she said, not acknowledging the fact that Dr. Nanami was indeed busy. The doll maker responded with a soft, wordless grunt, gesturing for them to come in with a flick of his hand.

"This is Sou Hiyori, son of Director Hiyori. He's just joined the research team. Emiri explained with a grin. Sou flashed Kagehara a smirk, one that made him put up his guard immediately. Something about his smile seemed to hide darker intentions. Perhaps it was just him being paranoid again, but there was no harm in playing it safe around such a person. One that matched himself. Kagehara nodded politely. "It's a pleasure." He murmurs, wiping his own hands off with hand sanitizer after their handshake. "Would you like to see what I'm developing?" Sou sauntered over, peering at the eerily realistic life-sized doll on the workbench.

"Impressive craftsmanship," he murmured, a sense of awe in his voice. "But are they really so lifelike?" With a mix of curiosity and skepticism, he extended a finger to stroke the doll's synthetic cheek. Suddenly, its eyes snapped open, fixating on him. Startled, he leaped back with a chuckle. Kagehara joined in the laughter, walking towards them. "It seems she's taken a liking to you. My dolls possess the intelligence of any human, you see. Perhaps we could find a use for that mischievous streak of yours," he remarked, a subtle threat lingering behind his smile. A smirk finds its way back to Sou's face. "Well, well. It seems the good doctor has some tricks up his sleeve as well." He turned back to Kagehara, eyes glittering with challenge. "I accept your offer. But only if you're willing to play along with me in return. What do you say?" Kagehara merely smiles. "You have yourself a deal. I look forward to what sort of experiments you have in mind."

Emiri watches their exchange with thinly veiled amusement. "Boys, boys, play nice now. Try not to break too many rules while I'm not watching!" With a cheery wave, she slips out of the workshop, leaving the two schemers alone. Sou turned to Kagehara once more. "Since you're so talented with your dolls, I have a proposal for your next project. I want you to craft one in my image - one that can infiltrate any system without leaving a trace. With our brains and your skills. just think of the chaos we could cause!" His green eyes gleamed with mischief. Kagehara considered the challenge. A doppelganger doll of Sou could prove... interesting. And he did so enjoy a game that pushed boundaries. "Very well. Your doppelganger doll shall be my most complex creation yet. But you must hold up your end and give me plenty of... inspiration for its programming." A wider smirk graces Sou's features.

"Oh, I think you'll find I'm full of inspiration, Doctor."

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