chapter one: Mr racoon orders food

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One day racoon entered McDonald's for the 100th time this month. He saw his enemy Mr capybara working on the till crying because he's selling his teamate Mr cow in a burger but he soon cheered up he sang a song in his language (duman) singing about how much he loves cow and then he threw the burger at Mr racoons face  which made Mr capy very happy to see racoon in pain. capybara smiled brightly with happiness as racoon ran away crying. Racoon decided to go back home (he was too lazy to go anywhere else to get food and afraid of getting hurt again ) and so he ordered 462 pizzas from dominos pizza online once the delivery man came to Mr racoon's door with the pizza the delivery man said "woah you're so fat! Are you sure you want to eat all these pizzas?! " racoon said angrily "I am quite fat I must admit but no where near as fat as that capybara" the delivery man said "capybara is not fat! He's actually very strong and he works with me here at dominos he does a very good job at making the pizzas!" *Mr racoon grabbed the pizzas from the delivery man and slammed the door he felt very very angry that the delivery driver would be so nice to his enemy Mr capybara he was scared that he'd lose the upcoming battle with Mr capy and he started crying though when he tasted the pizza he was immediately happy again because it tasted so good after eating 100 whole pizzas his stomach started to hurt because he ate so much.

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