𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝙸

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Jeno was totally a different person everywhere else but whenever it was only the two of us. He kept up with the teasing and bullying but he was just a normal boy when I was alone with him. It really started to get into my nerves.

While I was zoning out, Renjun was waving his hand in front of me.

"Jaemin, hello, are you still here with us?" He said and turned to look at Donghyuck who shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm afraid we have lost him sir." Jisung said very formally. Renjun and Donghyuck bursted out laughing and I woke up back to reality.

"No we haven't, he's awake!" Donghyuck exclaimed while I looked at him in a daze. What is he going on about again?

"What's on your mind? Are you alright?" Jisung asked this time seriously. I wondered if I should share my actual thoughts with all three or just keep my mouth shut.

"I've been thinking about Jeno, he's a total different person when I'm alone with him but everywhere else he's just a fucking jerk. Like what's his deal? It's really starting to annoy me. Just when I thought I wouldn't hate him that much too." I started complaining.

"You always complain about how much you hate him, but have you thought it might be something else than anger? Maybe, just maybe, you might like, like him?" Renjun suggested with a quiet, shaky voice. Is he serious?

"Like him? Yeah right. I can barely hold in my puke just by looking at him." I started laughing. That was maybe the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while.

"You can laugh at the idea now, but think about it." Renjun sighed and started focusing on his work.

"Whatever floats your boat." I scoffed and for the whole class I kept giggling about the idea of me and him on a romantic date. It would be so ironic.


"Took you long enough, jackass." Jeno said as he opened the door to his house. It was probably the last time I would go to his house for that stupid project. I've been waiting for this day to come.

"It's not my fault my mom wanted me to do the dishes!" I argued as I stepped in and took my shoes off. Jeno let out a little giggle and I playfully slapped him.

"Let's get to the project so I can get out here someday." I said and headed towards his room without waiting.

"Aww I thought you enjoyed being with me angel." He let out a fake sniff. I rolled my eyes and sat down, Jeno still wiping his fake tears.


"I need to write one thing and then I'm done!" I exclaimed in excitement. It was already almost 10pm but I couldn't leave before finishing up.

"I'm already done so I'm just checking it for now. Are you sure you don't want to spend the night here? It's raining and really dark outside." He asked me, but still, I will not be staying here.

"And I'm finished! I'll check it tomorrow. And no, I'm fine, I'll be home in five minutes if I'm really fast." I replied and shut down my laptop.

"Do you want me to walk you? You don't even know what kind of people there are at this time." He followed me to the front door.

"I'm okay, thanks." I told him and left the house, leaving him standing at the door frame. Who would even want to attack me. It's not like I would look interesting or rich anyway.


I kept walking with my earphones in, music blasting. The cold rain just kept getting heavier. I should've brought an umbrella or something.

I thought I heard steps behind me through my earphones, so I took them off and turned around.

Literally no one. Am I tweaking?

I put my hood on and fastened my pace. I could hear the steps again but I didn't bother to turn around. I was almost running at this point. No matter what, I heard the steps even more clearly. Now I was sure someone was following me. My heartrate started to rise and my hands started sweating.

I was brave enough to stop and turn around to see who it was.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you following me?" I asked with a shaky voice. The dark figure was standing maybe a couple meters away from me.

"Long time no see, dear Jaemin." He said. That's when I recognised the voice.

My ex.

"Why are you here, didn't you move to LA two years ago? I do not want to see you!" I shouted at him.

He was my boyfriend for a couple of months a few years back. Not only he cheated on me but also abused me mentally and physically.

"Look, I've seen you with some other guy. I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I say we should start again, I miss you." He said and came closer. His face hadn't changed at all.

"You hurt me and you know it! I don't want to 'start again'. I want you to disappear from my life! You ruined me and now that I'm back to my happy self, you're here to ruin it again? You're a fucking psycho!" I snapped at him with tears in my eyes. He came even closer and pushed me so I tripped on my own legs and fell on the ground.

"Don't cry dear, it doesn't suit you." He said and leaned in to wipe my eyes. However, I slapped him on the face as hard as I could. It was well deserved, but it clearly made him furious.

"You know, if I can't have you, no one can." He muttered and pulled out a knife. Is he absolutely out of his mind?

"No wait! What are you doing? Are you fucking serious? Stop!" I screamed at him and tried to get up but I was shaking too much. Last time I was like this was when he had hit me for the first time.

"You touch him and you're dead!" A voice yelled from behind my ex.



word count: 1033

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