𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝙸𝙸𝙸

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Hello hello again💀💀 Even tho I accidentally published the previous chapter, I just had to publish this one too since it's Monday again. Enjoy🌝


I woke up and didn't feel the boy next to me anymore. I was confused and had no idea where he was, what time it was and what I should even do right now. I sat up and reached for my phone that was at the table. At least 10 missed calls from my mom and over 50 messages from Jisung, Renjun and Donghyuck. Well isn't this nice.

"Jaemin, where the hell are you? Why are you not home or answering my calls?" My mom yelled straight to the phone when I decided to call her. She didn't sound worried or relieved that I was alive, but angry and disappointed.

"I slept over at my friend's since it was late and pouring rain. I fell asleep, sorry I didn't tell you." I tried to explain.

"You better get your ass here right now!" She said and hung up. I'm going to get my ass whooped at home. Next I had to answer to all my friends that I'm alive and they shouldn't worry.

I got up and started packing my stuff. My clothes haven't dried yet so I just kept the older boy's clothes on. I can return them later. There was still no sign of Jeno, but maybe he was downstairs. I picked up my bag and headed downstairs.

"You're awake? Come eat breakfast, you haven't eaten anything for ages." Jeno said as soon as I entered the kitchen. He had prepared a simple breakfast for the both of us. Sandwiches, strawberries and hot chocolate. I sat down and waited for him to finish doing the dishes.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked after a while. I looked up to him and he looked genuinely worried.

"I'm okay, don't worry. And thank you for... you know." I replied and locked eye contact with the boy who was sitting across from me. He gave me that cute smile which made my heart pound faster. I noticed he also had an eye smile that was so bright it made me smile.


Jeno walked me to my house and I apologized for bothering him and thanking him again. He left and I prepared myself before opening the door and greeting my lovely parents.

"Na Jaemin, what is up with you? It's not that hard to pick up at least one call!" My dad began to scold me right when I entered the house. My mom just stood there, looking at me disappointed.

"I didn't pick up because my phone died and I fell asleep. I'm sorry." I mumbled and looked down.

"And those are not your clothes. Who were you with?" He asked and looked at my clothes. I already forgot I'm wearing Jeno's clothes and not my own.

"I was with Jeno, he's a friend who I was making the project with. I borrowed his clothes since my own got wet from the rain." I told him and left upstairs. I still could hear them screaming something to me but I couldn't care less right now. I just wanted to take a shower, switch to my own clothes and get to my own bed.

I had already skipped a day of school because of all this. Can't wait to go tomorrow and explain everything to everyone. Except I could leave a couple details out.


I was waiting for my friends at our lockers. I had already planned my explanation and everything. One wrong word and they would tease me about it forever. Not long after I saw all of them entering the building and running to me as soon as they saw me.

"I seriously thought you died or something holy shit." Donghyuck panted, exhausted from running. They all came to hug me but I just started laughing. They're so dramatic but at least they care. I'm so glad to have them.

I sighed and started explaining everything, except changing small parts of the story. You probably know why. All of them stared at me curiously while I was talking. At the end, they were all jaws on the floor.

"Well damn, are you okay now? You know you can talk to us if anything is bothering you." Jisung said, looking genuinely worried.

"Yeah I'm alright and thanks. Let's go now though." I replied and started hurrying since we were already late for class.


At the lunch break, I was living in my own bubble. I caught myself glancing at the blonde boy at the table in the corner. After everything that happened, I had started to see him in a new light. But what I really wonder is: what is he thinking now? Does he find me pitiful or did he tell everything to his friends? Would he do something like that?

"Okay there's definitely something going on with you and him that you didn't mention." Renjun caught me glancing at the other boy and I came back to the real world. I frowned at him.

"For fuck's sake no!" I started arguing. But right now, I felt like I was not only lying to them, but myself too.

"Keep arguing with me about this, but trust me. I am a love expert. One day you'll find yourself hugging him to sleep so pipe down loverboy. " He shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat. What if I already did?

When I was staring at Jeno, he turned to look at me and flashed me the endearing smile before turning back to his friends. The red color filled up my face while I tried so hard not to smile.

What the fuck happened, Na Jaemin?


I got home and threw myself on the couch. Suddenly, I got mad at myself. This is not how it was supposed to go.

"Fucking shit!" I screamed and was about to burst into tears.

I mean how is this even possible. In the past ten years he's been a total dick to me and my friends. I grew up hating him.

Does hate have another side that I didn't know?

Why am I like this? What is wrong with me? This wasn't part of the plan. I actually wanted to hit myself with a damn hammer in the head, just so I can fix it. I hate him so much.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

But fuck, do I love him


word count: 1090

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