8 - 𝐸𝑔𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑠

22 1 0


I was so tired and I was also freezing. I think I was walking already for one or two hours.

There were only trees around me, I just wanted to lay down in a bed and sleep a couple hours.

And then...I saw something, wait, was it a light? YES FUCK, It was a house, in the middle of a forest? I don't care, i'll go there I guess.

I started going to that house.

I tried to make less noise ever, but I stepped on a branch, breaking it and making noise.

I saw the light of the house turning off. Fuck, what now?

I heard the door of the house opening and someone coming out, but I couldn't see who it was.

The lights of the house turned on again, it was a man, tall, he had a mustache, and he was pointing me a gun.

I was completely freezing and then I feel on my knees.

Y/n : "h-help...please"

Hopper : "fuck, Joyce come help me"

I fainted.

I waked up in a bed, I saw from the window on my left that the sun was out. I looked around me and I had no idea where I was.

I got up from the bed and I started going to the other room, when I heard someone talking.

Hopper : "I never saw her before"

Joyce : "did you noticed what she was wearing?"

Hopper : "a long white t-shirt"

Joyce : "maybe...she is from the lab?"

Hopper : "I don't know, it may be a coincidence, we have to see if she has a number on her arm"

I entered the room and they both looked at me.

Y/n : "w-where am I?"

Joyce : "your in a refuge near Hawking"

Hopper : "your save now"

Joyce : "come, sit down" *she took a chair*

I started going to the chair, and I set down.

Hopper : "are you hungry?"

I nodded my head.

Hopper : "I think there are some ego waffles left"

He got up and he started looking in the fridge.

Joyce : "where are you from?"

Y/n : "I-I'm from New York, but I was taken"

Hopper : "taken?" *he came back to the table and he putted a plate with waffle on it, then he set down*

Y/n : "when I was young, at the age of five"

Joyce : "w-what is your name dear?"

I lift up my arm and I showed them my tattoo.

They looked at each other, they looked kinda scared and surprised.

I started eating.

Y/n : "who are you two?"

Joyce : "I'm Joyce Byers"

Hopper : "Jim, Jim Hopper, call my Hop or Hopper"

Y/n : "Thirteen"

Hopper : "so...do you have a family? or someone you know?"

Y/n : "my father died, I don't know about my mother, but i'm looking for my sister"

Joyce : "your sister?"

Y/n : "her name is Eleven, or Jane"

Hopper : "oh my fucking god..."

Joyce : "it's impossible"

They looked at each other ones again.

Y/n : "what?"

Hopper : "she is my daughter, it's already a year that I adopted her"

Y/n : "what?! really? you know where she is? it's been already two years since she escaped the lab, since then I never saw her again"

Joyce : "now we don't know where she is, I think she with the other kids"

Y/n : "wait. I know where she is"

Hopper : "how?"

Y/n : "if you adopted her, you must now that she has powers, as I do"

He smiled at me.

Hopper : "I'll bring you to her, I think there are some things you have to know, that happened in this years, while you were in the laboratory"

I smiled back and we got out the house, we started going to somewhere in they're car.

hey there guys!! finally she'll meet her sister again.
next chapter will be out soon!!
put the star please ⭐️❤️

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (ʜᴇɴʀʏ/001/ᴠᴇᴄɴᴀ x ʏ/ɴ)Where stories live. Discover now