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     Four roomates stood at the entrance of the apartment. "Wow it looks nice" said the youngest. The oldest Sami, a sophomore on college opened the door and said "okay foo's let's unpack and decorate the apartment." Jackie and Michelle who were also sophomores nodded and Jackie said "lets go chose rooms."

     "I call the coldest one" said Michelle running up the stairs to pick out rooms. The youngest Shelby a Freshman in College helped Sami unpack basic utilities before they both went to pick out rooms and unpack. When they all finished unpacking for thier rooms they began decorating around the apartment.

      Michelle got out dark purple paint and painted the walls. "Sorry if its a bit dark but I love the color" she continued painting.  Sami organized the anime and manga stacks. Shelby connected all the gaming systems and Jackie put up some poster frames of her favorite bands. "It looks good" Jackie commented when they were done.

"Guys I'm going for a break" with that Michelle left. Jackie ordered some pizza and the 3 of them ate. "Guys I'm going for a walk in the woods" Jackie went outside she loved the woods she kept walking enjoying the fact there wasn't much sun. She relaxed more till she heard a noise something behind her snapped "what th-before she could finish she got hit with a hockey stick and saw a figure before her vision blurred.


          Sami and Shelby noticed Jackie had been gone for a while "We should go look for her said shelby as Sami froze and pointed to the window. Shelby saw what Sami was pointing at before she got hit with a lamp and blacked out.

         Sami heard a thud behind her and saw a figure before she got hit against the window breaking it and passing out. "Now we just have to wait for the other one." Michelle came back in the night. "Guys why are the lights off." The light turned on revealing a guy with a baseball bat. "Where are my friends" "Don't worry dollface you'll see them soon" Michelle looked confused before he cornered her and knocked her out. She felt herself being dragged away as her vision went black.

Author Note : next chapter everything is explained comment your favorite character and ask to be in the story bye!

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