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Wei wuxian opened his eyes back to normal world and breathed heavily but Hua cheng didn't, after staring at him blankly for few seconds, he panicked.

"Can you hear me?" exclaimed Wei wuxian touching him a little but Hua cheng wasn't not moving at all. Wei wuxian face turned pale.

"Hahaha haha hahaha!" Hua cheng bursted into laughter as he fell back due to laughing hard.

Wei wuxian after processing for some time realised that he got pranked.

"Stop laughing!" yelled Wei wuxian but Hua cheng continued his business of laughing.

"Fine, stay like this I am going back!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he stood up from there and walked towards the door.

"Oh!" exclaimed Hua cheng as he laid in side position and began to stare at him.

Wei wuxian pushed the door, but it didn't opened, then he remembered he has already done everything he could before but still couldn't open it. He closed his eyes to calm the frustration down as he turned around.

"Take me back right now!" exclaimed Wei wuxian in angry tone

"Not until you believe that you are my son!" exclaimed Hua cheng and he laid comfortably there after adjusting himself a little.

'Who is son here, me or him? So childish!' thought wei wuxian and signed looking at, all grown up child.


All of them were worried sick by now, there wasn't any left they haven't search for Hua cheng and Wei wuxian but couldn't found them.

"I swear, if anything happened to Wei wuxian i won't spare any of you!" exclaimed Jiang cheng glaring at heavenly officials.

"A-ying is his son, nothing will happen to him, Hua cheng won't let!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan.

"The problem is-"

"Wanyin calm down!" exclaimed Lan xichen and Jiang cheng huffed and left from there and he went after him.

"I assure you, he is safe with San lang!" exclaimed Xie lian giving a reassuring smile to Lan zhan.

Lan zhan probably was the most concerned out of all, he didn't even said anything since morning, it was already getting late night.

"Mn!" exclaimed Lan zhan, although he have trust issues, but there was something about this person which can assure anyone.

"I will be back in some time!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan as she teleported from there now only Xie lian and Lan zhan left there.

"You want to say something?" asked Lan zhan as Xie lian was shooking his head, like he wanted to say something.

"I-I know, it's all sudden, but we didn't know anything about this!" exclaimed Xie lian and Lan zhan nodded his head.

"I don't know if Wei wuxian is our son or not. But me and San lang had a son, unfortunately when he turned two years old, he died as resentment energy eaten him up, atleast that's what we used to believe until yesterday!" exclaimed Xie lian.

"Resentment energy?" exclaimed Lan zhan.

"Mn, when a-ying was one year old, he accedently made contact with resentment energy and we found that, he can control it, but we have to take care of that, he shouldn't be near this unless he is eighteen!" Xie lian paused and take a look of Lan zhan face, although it was blank at same it was curious.

"Things didn't turned as we expected, in the celebration of a-ying's anniversary we left him alone in the room as he fell asleep but when we returned, it was too late, we couldn't even see a glimpse of him, it was all dark. We didn't even had any marks of him left!"

"And... from that day onwards San lang always blame himself for leaving our son alone that day... I tried my best to convince him but it never worked, he always pretend to be okay but in reality he was so attached with a-ying. His death affected all of us, that it took years to even react properly!" said Xie lian, remembering some faint memories of their complete family.

Lan zhan was having confused expression and Xie lian signed.

"You don't have to worry, we will return from where we came, even if he is a-ying, we don't want to disturb his peaceful life, he seem happy here and I am glad. We are trying to find them, once they are back we will immediately head back to our home!" exclaimed Xie lian as he stood up from there and went outside, leaving Lan zhan alone.

Wei wuxian glared at Hua cheng, what he has been doing, for almost an hour and signed. Hua cheng was still comfortably laying on the bed, ignoring Wei wuxian's presence.

"Won't i able to get out of here?" exclaimed Wei wuxian, he was now getting concerned about Lan zhan, that he must be worried sick.

"We can go back!" exclaimed Hua cheng after some moment, who noticed Wei wuxian's sad face.

'What's with changing mood so fast?' wondered Wei wuxian.

"Here is!" said Hua cheng as he came over, where Wei wuxian was, giving Chenqing back.

Wei wuxian take back his flute, Hua cheng held his hand and in few moments, they were infornt of Cloud recesses.

Wei wuxian happily run inside, at very first he went to Jingshi but no was there then he walked towards Lanshi, Hua cheng was following him all the way.

"Lan zhan!" shouted Wei wuxian with a huge smile as he run and jump on him like a koala bear.

"... Wei ying!" Lan zhan breathed as he hold Wei wuxian's waist tightly, hugging him closer.

Xie lian eyes caught a look to them as he hurried over there and hug Hua cheng.

"Gege, I am sorry!" exclaimed Hua cheng, he hugged him back, Xie lian was looking so concerned. Although Xie lian only smiled and continued to hug him.

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