Chapter 17

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 IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL day in Awa'atlu, the water was clear and cool, several villagers were out on their canoes and some were fishing

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IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL day in Awa'atlu, the water was clear and cool, several villagers were out on their canoes and some were fishing. You were in your mauri with Jake and the kids, it was a pretty hot day, the sun was brighter than ever.

Tuk was sitting on your lap with her head resting on your chest eating some fruit. Neteyam and Loak were laying in their hammocks trying to cool down from the heat, Kiri was sitting on your left braiding her hair, and Jake sat on your right with Niraya in his arms.

"Kids, how about you all go swim to freshen up." You spoke up, wiping sweat off of your forehead. "Thanks mom, it's so hot, this heat is killing me!" Loak exclaimed as he ran out of the mauri and into the fresh waters. You giggled softly at your son. Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk followed behind.

Niraya wiggled in Jake's arms admiring her father. She was warm from the heat. "Baby, Niraya's pretty warm, she's sweaty, I'll splash a bit of water on her." Jake said getting up from his position. "Alright, I'll go with you Ma'Jake, I need to cool down." You replied panting softly.

You walked out of your mauri towards a pool of water, Jake got in and gently wet Niraya on her face and tummy. She gurgled at the water, splashing her tiny hands in the water. Jake laughed at his daughter cooing at her. You smiled at your mate and your daughter. You dived into the water gently, swimming around.

You pulled your head out of the water, wiping your face. You swam towards Jake and Niraya. She looked up at you with her big blue eyes mumbling random words, you giggled at her tickling her tummy. Niraya let out the cutest joyful laugh, clapping her hands together. Jake smiled at you both fondly, he began to admire your features, your gorgeous turquoise skin, your bioluminescence dots, your big doe eyes, your soft plump lips, your beautiful long curly black hair, your tattoos on your forehead and nose, and your gorgeous curvy body. He smirked knowing that your all his. "You're so so beautiful ma." Jake spoke up looking into your eyes. Your cheeks flushed.

"Thank you Ma'Jake." You replied smiling happily. He pecked your lips softly, pulling you close by the waist. Niraya looked at you both innocently, she smiled at her parents nuzzling into Jake.


After taking a swim with Jake and Niraya, you went back home and ate lunch with Jake and the kids. You went to visit your parents. "Hello Ma'Ite, oh my Eywa it is hot." Ronal said placing a soft kiss on your temple. She greeted Jake smiling at him. "Hi mama, I know right, it's never been this hot in the village before." You replied sitting down.

Tonowari entered the mauri, he was out fishing with Tsireya and Aonung. He kissed your head softly he greeted Jake aswell. Aonung and Tsireya greeted you and Jake, and the kids. Tsireya sat next to Loak holding hands with each other.

Ronal had Atan in her arms rocking him gently, he played with his mother's jewelry cooing at her.

"The weather today is outrageous, it's never been this hot before." Tonowari stated sighing tirelessly. You nodded at his words, Tuk played with your hair while sitting in you lap. "So many villagers are complaining about this heat, it's way too hot." Aonung added as he played with Niraya.

"Not even back home in the forest is this hot." Neteyam said wiping his face. "You can say that again son." Jake added sarcastically.


Eventually the heat wasn't so strong anymore as the sun set. You went back home and got ready for bed, you and Jake put Tuk to sleep after Niraya fell asleep. You kissed her forehead lovingly. "Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy." Tuk whispered on the verge of closing her eyes. "Good night Ma'Ite." You replied smiling at her innocence. "Goodnight baby." Jake said planting a kiss on her forehead as-well smiling.

Neteyam, Loak and Kiri all went to sleep in their hammocks, you gave them each a kiss on their foreheads and so did Jake. You and Jake fell asleep in each other's arms, you cuddled against him, Jake pecked your lips softly, "Good night mama." Jake said resting his chin on your head. "Good night Ma'Jake." You replied before falling into a deep sleep.


A/N: Yayyy chapter 17 done!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with school, but I'm back guys!!! 🥰

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