23. 𝑴𝒓 & 𝑴𝒓𝒔.𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏

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I am leaving with Mr & Mrs.Jeon from almost a whole week, in this week nor Jungkook called me nor come to meet me. What the hell is going on?

I even called at the landline of the house but always a guard pick up and say that boss is not at home. I am freak out, just meet me Mr.Jeon Jungkook, I am not going to leave you.

Right now I am cooking in kitchen when my sister in law entered who use to be my enemy in university and still she is, she sit in the kitchen on a chair and said, "Great, you trapped my second brother."

"I didn't.", I replied turning the gas on and placing a fry pan on the gas, I pour some oil from the glass container and then some vegetables.

"Why you're not going to your college? Exams is nearer.", she asked curiously, oh! She is caring for me, but why?

"Mrs.Jeon said that I can't go to college until i am in this house.", I replied with a sigh, she chuckled and patted my shoulder before leaving the kitchen.

Suddenly, I felt a string pulling up in my head and it started to ache as hell. I sit down on a chair and messaged my head with my hands, is it always?

I am having migraine from the morning and I swear if this continued, I am going to end up getting unconscious, soon Jungkook's mom entered in the kitchen, "How lazy you're, can't you cook on time?"

I sighs deeply trying to get over my anger, "Sorry, I will cook."

"Leave it, maid will do it, go and clean the house.", she said and left the kitchen, i directly walked towards my room, take the thermometer from the first-aid box.

After checking my temperature, it's just 100 °F, damn, I am just calling it as just. It's not just. I sighs and stand up from the bed and walks out from the room, I will go to meet docter after cleaning the house.

It's already 7 o'clock at night, and I am still cleaning the house, i sighs and whined, why people buy this much big house or mansion? Just clean it one time and you will regret buying this.

"Daughter, why you're doing household work?", Mr.Jeon asked with confused look on his face, "Umm, Mrs.Jeon told me, Appa."

"No no, don't do this. Go and take rest, you must be tired.", he said worriedly, I nodded and lead my feets towards the direction of my room, "Y/n, come and have dinner!"

My sister in law called me for dinner, i sighed and walks towards kitchen to wahs my hands, I sit down on the dinning table and maids served us.

"Umm, didn't you cooked something veg?", I asked from the maids, she shook her head and i sighs, "Wait, Alina, cook veg for her."

"Why? Can't she cook by herself? We all are non vegetarian.", Mrs.Jeon said rudely, I swear if she didn't had any relation to Jungkook, surely I will smack her hard.

I never seen a woman like her who is this mean to herself, i sighs and stand up from the table directly going towards my room, "Daughter, maids will cook, don't go empty stomach."

"No no, dad it's fine.", i replied to Jungkook's dad and sit down on my bed, my eyes is feeling so heavy with burning sensation, I take a deep breath.

Jungkook's dad is sweet but why his mom is like this? He told me that his mom is so sweet and use to take care of everyone but it's kinda opposite, why the hell he lied?

I heard footsteps coming towards my room, which is familler. Even I am feeling dizzy, i stand up to open the door, I swear if it's not kookie, I am really gonna put him in microwave and burn him like cookies.

"Hey honey.", sweet voice, i hugged him with a smile on my face, it's Jungkook. My sixth sense never lie.

I want to scold him so badly, but no words come out from my mouth, my eyes is feeling so heavy, why I am seeing black? Does someone turned off the light of the house?

Author's Note:

Guys, don't go on the words i used. Next chapter will be on fire.

I hope you guys liked it.

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now