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"Ook..kook... Jungkook open your eyes. Jungkook."

Jungkook opened his eyes as someone was shaking him. His eyes were teary, neck and forehead were sweating badly.

When he opened his eyes he couldn't be happy more than this. His love was standing in front of his eyes. He didn't delay a moment to hug him.

"Hyungie." He buried his face on tae's neck and sniffed his favorite scent.

"My bubba it's ok hyungie is here. look at me." He kissed kook's face and tried to make him calm.

Finally after so many sweet words and kisses kook was calm.

"Are you ok now baby?" Kook give a small node.

"Hyungie koo is stinky. Koo want shower." He said with a lower voice.

"Ok I will prepare it. Do you want to eat something till then? I'll bring banana milk from the fridge. You wait here ok love?"

"No don't leave koo alone." Kook panicked and cried.

"Ok you also come with me then."

They went to kitchen and drank banana milk. Then they went to the bathroom." Jungkook was clinging to Tae like a koala.

Taehyung prepared a bubble bath for Jungkook.

"Love if you need anything call me. I'm outside."

"No don't go. You also come with me." He said with puppy eyes.


They stripped and went to the bathtub together.

Now kook was better than before. But tae was tensed for him. He wanted to know the reason why kook panicked this much.

He massaged kook's ear slowly and kook closed his eyes. He pecked his lips.

"My munchkin can you share your dream with hyungie?"

Kook's eyes become teary again. Tae wiped his tears.

"Shh_hh It's ok if you don't want."

"I will but hyungie promise me you will never leave me."

"I promise love." He kissed his eyes.

He told him everything.

"So you pranked me and made Jimin hyung wear girl's dress."

"Yes. It was a dream though but I was so afraid without you. I wanted to kill myself." Tears flowed again from his eyes.

Now taehyung's eyes darkened. He felt anger. How could his love thought to kill himself?

"You think I will leave you this easily Jeon Jungkook. Though it was a dream but if you try to bring someone else into your life I will break your legs and tie you with me forever and about some other bitch I can kill them.

Never even think to hurt yourself. Did you get that? " He said with cold voice. (Power bottom mode on)

Now Jungkook felt chill in his body but he was also happy as his hyungie is possessive for him.

"Ye..s hyungie."

"Good boy now get up and wear your clothes."

They went to bedroom. Tae helped kook dry his hair. Now both were in their bed. Kook's head on taehyung's lap and taehyung running his fingers on kook's hair.

"Hyungie." Kook looked at tae with puppy eyes. Tae knows he wants something.

"Yes koo do you need anything."

"Koo wants milky." He said with a blush.

"But you already drank banana milk. Are you hungry? Then I will make some food."

"No koo doesn't want nana milk." He started fidgeting his fingers.


"Koo wants hyungie's milky." A blush crept on his face.

"But hyungie doesn't have milky bubba."

"Still I want them. Please hyungie." He showed puppy eyes. Taehyung can't resist those eyes so he gave kook whatever he wanted.

Tae laid on bed and kook started sucking his nipples and time to time biting them with bunny teeth. Tae moaned at the pain and pleasure. Soon sleep took over them. But a bunny didn't stop enjoying his favorite dessert even in sleep.

                      ------the end------

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